Exhibitors and Sponsors 2024 - DoD Commercial SatCom (2025)

Lt. Gen. DeAnna Burt

Chief Operations Officer, Headquarters
U.S. Space Force

Lt. Gen. DeAnna M. Burt is the Special Assistant to the Vice Chief of Space Operations, United States Space Force. As Special Assistant to the Vice Chief of Space Operations, Maj. Gen. Burt oversees strategic staff initiatives and assists the Vice Chief of Space Operations in organizing, training and equipping space forces in the United States and overseas, integrating space policy and guidance, and coordinating space-related activities for the U.S. Space Force and Department of the Air Force.

Maj. Gen. Burt entered the Air Force in 1991 as a distinguished graduate of the Air Force ROTC program at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Her career has included numerous satellite operations and staff positions in Air Force Space Command and U.S. European Command. The general has commanded the 2nd Space Operations Squadron, the 460th Operations Group and the 50th Space Wing. She is a graduate and former instructor of the U.S. Air Force Weapons School and a graduate of the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies. Prior to her current assignment, Maj. Gen. Burt was the Commander, Combined Force Space Component Command, U.S. Space Command, and Vice Commander, Space Operations Command, U.S. Space Force, Vandenberg Space Force Base, California. As Commander of U.S. Space Command’s Combined Force Space Component Command, she led more than 17,000 joint and combined personnel with a mission to plan, integrate, conduct, and assess global space operations to deliver combat relevant space capabilities to combatant commanders, coalition partners, the joint force, and the nation.

1991 Bachelor of Science, Aeronautical Engineering, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Fla.
1995 Master of Science, Human Resources Management, Troy State University, Troy, Ala.
1997 Squadron Officer School, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.
1999 Distinguished Graduate and Academic Award, USAF Weapons School, Nellis AFB, Nev.
2005 Distinguished Graduate and Commandant’s Leadership Award, Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
2006 School of Advanced Air and Space Studies, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
2012 Distinguished Graduate, National War College, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, D.C.
2015 Leadership Enhancement Program, Center for Creative Leadership, N.C.
2015 Air Force Enterprise Leadership, UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School, N.C.
2016 Enterprise Perspective Seminar, Alan Freed Associates, Washington, D.C.
2020 Advanced Senior Leader Development Seminar, Arlie Center, Warrenton, Va.
2021 Combined Force Air Component Command Course, Maxwell AFB, Ala.

1. October 1992–January 1993, Student, Undergraduate Space Training, Lowry Air Force Base, Colo.
2. January 1993–December 1995, Crew Commander, Deputy Flight Commander, and Chief, Current Operations, 4th Space Warning Squadron, Holloman AFB, N.M.
3. December 1995–October 1997, Chief, Space Systems Tactical Warning Operations and Chief, Standardization and Training, 76th Space Operations Squadron, Schriever AFB, Colo.
4. October 1997–January 1999, Executive Officer, Space Warfare Center, Schriever AFB, Colo.
5. January 1999–June 1999, Student, USAF Weapons School Space Division, Nellis AFB, Nev.
6. June 1999–December 2001, Instructor, Assistant Training Flight Commander, and Training Flight Commander, USAF Weapons School Space Division, Nellis AFB, Nev.
7. December 2001–July 2004, Theater Missile Defense Operations Officer and Deputy Chief, Special Technical Operations Branch, Headquarters European Command, Patch Barracks, Stuttgart, Germany
8. July 2004–June 2005, Student, Intermediate Developmental Education, Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
9. July 2005–June 2006, Student, School of Advanced Air and Space Studies, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
10. June 2006–July 2008, Chief Combat Plans Division, Joint Space Operations Center, Vandenberg AFB, Calif.
11. August 2008–August 2010, Commander, 2nd Space Operations Squadron, Schriever AFB, Colo.
12. August 2010–August 2011, Air Force Space Command Chief, Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Requirements Division, Peterson AFB, Colo.
13. August 2011–June 2012, Student, National War College, Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, D.C.
14. June 2012–August 2014, Commander, 460th Operations Group, Buckley AFB, Colo.
15. August 2014–May 2015, Director, Commander’s Action Group, Peterson AFB, Colo.
16. May 2015–July 2017, Commander, 50th Space Wing, Schriever AFB, Colo. and Commander, Air Expeditionary Wing, Red Flag 16-3, Nellis AFB, Nev.
17. July 2017–July 2018, Vice Commander, United States Air Force Warfare Center, Nellis AFB, Nev.
18. July 2018–Nov 2020, Director of Operations and Communications, Headquarters Space Operations Command, Peterson AFB, Colo.
19. November 2020–Aug 2022, Commander, Combined Force Space Component, U.S. Space Command, and Vice Commander, Space Operations Command, U.S. Space Force, Vandenberg Space Force Base, Calif.
20. Aug 2022 – Present, Special Assistant to the Vice Chief of Space Operations, U.S. Space Force, Pentagon, Arlington, Va.
1. Dec 2001– Oct 2003, Theater Missile Defense Operations Officer and Deputy Chief, Special Technical Operations Branch, Headquarters European Command, as a major

Distinguished Service Medal (Air Force)
Legion of Merit with two oak leaf clusters
Defense Meritorious Service Medal
Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters
Joint Service Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster
Air Force Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster
Joint Service Achievement Medal
Air Force Achievement Medal
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with five oak leaf clusters
Air Force Organizational Excellence Award
National Defense Service Medal
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
Armed Forces Service Medal
Remote Combat Effects Campaign Medal
Air and Space Campaign Medal
Air Force Longevity Service with silver and two oak leaf clusters
Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon (Pistol)
Air Force Training Ribbon NATO Medal

Second Lieutenant May 13, 1992
First Lieutenant May 13, 1994
Captain May 13, 1996
Major Nov. 1, 2002
Lieutenant Colonel Aug. 1, 2007
Colonel Sept. 1, 2011
Brigadier General Sept. 2, 2017
Major General Aug. 2, 2020

Exhibitors and Sponsors 2024 - DoD Commercial SatCom (2025)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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