Lincoln Journal Star from Lincoln, Nebraska (2024)

Saturday, Oct. 6, 1979 Journal Judiciary Committee discusses admitting traffic radar in court By Mari Marlette Is radar equipment a useful tool for enforcing traffic laws, or an inaccurate device that has a psychological effect on motorists, keeping them from contesting its findings? Members of the Legislature's Judiciary Committee heard four hours of testimony on that and other questions during a hearing a resolution by Ernest Chambers of Omaha to study the use of radar in the state. Chambers said that he proposed the study after a Florida judge ruled that radar speed detection was too unreliable for courtroom evidence and dismissed speeding charges against 80 persons. At Friday's hearing, patrol officers and manufacturers supported Nebraska's use of equipment known as K55 Radar, while a consultant for Fuzzbuster a radar detec- British man sentenced to die for 3 murders DURBAN, South Africa (AP) A British immigrant to South Africa has been sentenced to death three times over by a judge who denounced his "cruel, merciless, evil" murders of two former mistresses and one of the women's 12-year-old daughter. Peter Roy Barber, 52, stood expressionless Thursday as the Durban Supreme Court judge condemned him to death only hours after Barber was found guilty of murdering the women.

No date was announced for the execution. tion unit used to alert motorists when radar is nearby declared that many units are inaccurate. State Patrol Supt. Elmer Kohmetscher told the senators that Nebraska's traffic death rate last year of 2.8 fatalities for every 100 million miles traveled is the "lowest ever obtained" in the state, He attributed the low rate to reduced speed limits and law enforcement. "I feel that radar is a useful tool when used responsibly," he said.

"If we felt it was unreliable, we would immediately cease using it." Committee members witnessed a demonstration of radar by the patrol earlier this week, and, Chambers said "it was difficult to know exactly why a readout appeared." Court evidence In particular, he questioned whether radar readings should be admissable as evidence in court. "The issue 1 is not whether radar works, but whether it works in an acceptable and reliable manner," he said. "We're all concerned with highway safety, and also concerned with justice being dispensed on an equal basis," Sen. Barry Reutzel of Fremont told Kohmetscher. "If you go to court, you have to have the best equipment available," Ron Dornsife, a former police officer who works for Electrolert manufacturer of the Fuzzbuster detection device, testified that stationary objects such as trees, bridges and overpasses plus citizens band radios and a car's defroster system can throw a radar reading off.

"If it screws up, no one IS ever going to know about it," he said. THERE'S SOMETHING IN CLASSIFIED 101 Cemetery Lots 2 lots under beautiful trees, section B. Lincoln Memorial Park, $175 each or both for $325. 475-6868, 489-9344. Choice location.

Lincoin Memorial Pork. Lot 36, Sect. G. Rose Lawn, 6 spaces. 488-1781.

1105 Funeral Directors Roper Sons Mortuaries 4300 East 0 432-1225 6037 Havelock 466-2831. 123 Announcements ROAST BEEF DINNER, St. Josephs' Church, Colin, NE. Sunday October 7, Games Concessions. 126: Business Opportunities (648A) ESTABLISHED professional nome commercial cleaning servIce.

Franchise equipment. Upper teens. Call for details. MARGE STENTZ, 423-2850. Woods Bros Realty, Inc.

483-4151. (S782) BODY SHOP! Excellent business in good Southeast Nebraska locaiton. Complete body repair and rebuilding. Glass installation and radiator repair. Huge lot on malor hiway, steel building, and inventory are included in the sale price.

All inquiries can be made by calling today Sharon or Marv Wulf 423-3224 CENTURY 21 Western Realty Co. 489-9651 10 unit trailer court, most trailers are 10x50 or 55. Water, sewer gas all completely furnished. I am at the age to retire want to travel. Price compiete $45.000 can have terms.

2 miles from Endicott Brick Tile factory about 150 employees. Dale H. Swartz Box 15, Endicott. Neb. 68350, Phone Fairbury 402-729-5662.

American Professional Marketing is expanding into the Lincoln Area. Seeking 5 person experienced in Marketing Management. Call for interview, 913-631-3041. Attractive laundromat, 241 So 20. For sole or lease.

489-8974. Business for sale, diner, lounge party room with separate living quarters on approximately 1.5 acres. For more information write to: 3810 LoSolle, Lincoin, Neb. See our ad under Acreages Renaissance Realty, 423-2278 Small hometown bar grill, good low investment business. (402) 433-2101.

126 Busineunities (Continued) a CLASS 'C' BAR GRILL, a money maker doing big food business in small SE Nebr. Town. 2 story brick bidg with living quarters above. Ideal man wife operation with a minimum of hired help. Beat the high Cost of Living with one investment providing both business home.

Reply to Journal Star Box 310. Dealer needed for self service station located on 1-80 near Aurora. Nebraska. Ideal situation for couple. Possible to live on premises.

Call 466-5272 or 435-7800. For sale: 10 Hershey candy vending machines, purchased in Feb. for 57500. Make an offer. Box 29393, Lincoln, 68507.

JUST Cate in small town close to Lincoin. Includes building, all fixtures and inventory, Ideal family operation. Priced to MARY JO ROBEL 489-6460 HARRINGTON ASSOCIATES, INC. 483-4141 Laundramat for sale, good going business, will help first time owner learn the business, contract possible, after 5:30 weekends. 488-9071 LOCAL BUSINESS PERSON EXPANDING Want above average person, some sales, management, promotional experience.

489-5269 for appointment. Retail service business for sale. We sell indoor recreational equipment. Includes inventory, fixtures, and accounts. Send inquiries to: P.O.

Box 83242, Lincoln, Ne. 68501, or phone 475-5043 after 6pm. Retailers! Crafts People! Hobbyists! Sell your wares this holiday season in the Alley at the Atrium. Exciting Mini-Shops, lower level, Atrium Shopping Center, 12th St. Monthly rentals from $155.

Utilities common area charges included. Call or write before October 15th. Murdock Management Company, 233 So. 13, Suite 1706, Lincoln, NE 68508. (402)475-4271 VETERINARY CLINIC BLDG- on large lot 330 x178' in small SE Nebr.

town in prosperous farming community with large livestock numbers. Recently vacated by practicing Vet. Excellent opportunity for starting Vet or Vet wanting own private practice. Priced for quick sale. Immediate Possession.

Send replies to Journal Star Box 303. Wanted to acquire existing insurance agency. Lincoln or nearby. Send brief details to: 217 Sharp Bldg, Lincoln, Ne. 68508.

Hobbies 132 Coins Stamps BUYING COINS SILVER DOLLARS $9.50 EA. CLAD HALVES $1.25 EA. NICKELS EA. SCRAP GOLD STERLING 466-8774 466-6703 WANTED OWNER OPERATORS Do to increase in authority we need owners of '76 or newer tandem axle tractors to pull our reefers. Drivers must meet DOT requirement, be bondable with proven track record of on time deliveries.

No excessive cargo claims or losses. CONTRACT OFFERS 1 year lease, fast settlements, complete insurance program including family group, health, accident, life, Bob tail, fire, theft comprehensive. We have alot of loads. TFS Incorporated, Grand Island, Neb. 800-652-9288 126 Motorists also feel helpless to contest radar findings, he said.

"They fear it and the psychological effect on them is overwhelming." Fuzzbusters are against the law in at least four states and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has recommended they be completely outlawed, Ed Sergent of MPH Industries of Chanute, said. He said many statements about the disadvantages of radar devices stem from ignorance. The committee will consider whether to recommend legislation at a later date. Motorcyclist is assaulted Police were looking Saturday for three men who alleg. edly assaulted a motorcyclist Friday night near 14th and streets.

A police spokesman said Steven Lehl, 26, of 705 S. First St. was riding his motorcycle when three black men in a 1968 or 1969 Oldsmobile bearing Florida license plates pulled in front of him, causing him to upset the motorcycle. Lehl hollered at the men, who then stopped their car and allegedly jumped Lehl, beating him with their fists and a crowbar or tire iron, police said. Police said a resident nearby heard the commotion and ran to Lehl's aid with a handgun, firing in the air to scare off the attackers.

Lehl was treated at a local hospital emergency room but wasn't hospitalized, police said. Sen. Kremer, UNL prof get conservation awards BEATRICE (UPI) Honor awards Friday were presented during the convention of state conservation organizations to state Sen. Maurice Kremer of Aurora and Joseph O. Young of Lincoln.

Kremer, long active in legislation dealing with soil and water conservation, was cited for his work in passing LB475, which provided for adoption of an official Nebraska state soil. Young, a professor of horticulture at the University of Nebraska, was recognized for his leadership role as curator of the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum. The honor award is given to non-members of the Nebraska chapter of the Soil Conservation Society of America for accomplishments compatible with the society's objectives at the state level. Presented commendation 135 Instruction Come join the fun, Western English riding lessons. Oct.

10-30. Pioneer Stables, 474-1773. Experienced voice teacher, new in Lincoln, Kathryn Kasper, 435-8082. PIANO INSTRUCTION Experienced teacher with Master's Degree in piano, located in Southwest area, now accepting new students ages levels. Call Pris.

Kliewer-4231956 evenings or weekends, 474-4567 daytime. 142 Lost Found Found aluminum key, 60th Aviesworth area. 464-7520. Found in Cooper Park white kitten with black brown spots. 475-0781.

FOUND SMALL WHITE POODLE Area of 63rd Gladstone, Oct.1, call 464-5303 or 466-6730. Found about 2 wks. ago, young male black cat, very gentle, 477-7621. FOUND Grey black striped kitten, intersection of Cornhusker 1-80, 435-7320. Found gray male cat with white feet, approximately 1 yr.

old. in Goslight Village, 477-6779. Found Poodle puppy, male. 4 48th Fremont area, 464-0546. Found, set of keys near 12th D.

Claim by identifving, 477-5423. Found, small tan black mole dog. wire hair, short legs, no collar. Vicinity 47th Adams, Call 466-4355 or 466-7908. FOUND: Cairn Terrier, 70th A area, found Oct.

4th, sandy colored with big brown eyes, 488-7461, 483- 4741. Found: Mixed breed puppy, could be 12 Lab 12 St. Bernard. Owner must pay for care. Color is beige white.

475-8897. Found: One part black Lab female with white spot on chest, collar. One small black tan puppy. 475-9347. Lost male vellow Lab.

112 years old. answers to Danko, So 48th St. 483-2091. Lost 7 mo. Collie, female, sable white, 64th Holdrege area, 466-5955, after 5.

Lost 2 '52 Willys doors, between Sheridan Hwy. 2 on 48th, Aug. 28, will identify, large reward, 488-1254. Lost blue backpack, 19th K. reward for return of keys, notebook I.D., 488-1515, 435-2740.

Lost male gray longhaired cat, yrs. old. 26th Van Dorn, flea collar, 423-1161. Lost, black female co*cker mix, left ear has surgery, Gateway area, 464- 1382, 489-5322. Lost, black twinfold wallet, 9-30-79, 56th Holdrege area, keep money, return wallet to 211 So.

28, Apt. 3. No questions. Social Security 006-54- 9877 for ID. Lost, brown male Toy Poodle, wearing blue rhinestone collar, in vicinity of Malcolm.

Reward. Days 470-3154, eves. 470-3140. Lost, hearing aide in small black zipper case. 475-9862.

Lost: 10 wk. old Collie puppy. Little boy's dog. Last seen at 49th Knox. Reward.

467-5193. Lost: black male cat about 2 weeks a 90. near 41st J. Call 483-5922. Lost: female, months oid.

black with brown markings, black collar, rabies tag, name Mandy. Contact Daria Lill 605 4th St Ceresco. Reward. Lost: Female Siamese cat near 50th L. 475-2592, 488-3009.

Lost: White Samoyed, female, flea collor, vicinity of 7th H. Reward. 423-6565, 475-6993. LOST: Women's vellow gold Bulova watch, vicinity of Rampark, Wednesday noon. Reward.

467-1541, 467-3631. Personals need NEBRASKA FOOTBALL tickets. No Students. 477-7684. 5x7 Color Family Portrait.

$6.95. 1 per family. Call for appointment, San-del Studio, 489-4800. Good until Dec. 1.

1, 2 or 4 Nebraska season football tickets wanted to buy, 489-6686. BIG RED FANS Cheer the team with intimidation towels, great for games or just drying off. Wipe Okalahoma. $7.95 delivered COD. Write Mid City, 4963 Center, Omaha, Neb.

68157. Delivery within 7 days. Boy, four, needs flight chaperon to Sacramento, California. Call 423-1505 for interview after 10pm 489-7589. Come loin the fun.

Western English riding lessons. Oct. 10-30. Pioneer Stables, 474-1773. ELECTROLUX SERVICE repairs.

boos. Roll, 1510 So. 10, 425-4401. BRANDT, Henry H. GARRISON, Bruce C.

GRADY, Doris GREEN, Beulah HAWLEY, Neil E. HOLLST, John Lincoln BRANDT 720 S. 16th Services: LINCOLN NERAL St. Lincoln Visitation day, funeral GARRISON Lake City merly of day. Survivors: daughter, Anne) Dow sisters, (Polly) M.

(Mary) Lucile coln; three great-granddaughter. Services Monday in GRADY died Services: WADLOW'S 1225 St. Moore, Garry Nelson, Richard Linke GREEN South Services: HOD BERTS St. The coln Memorial als to Carry Kidney ers: Wes merer, Weber, Phillips. er: Jack Catt.

HAWLEY Grants Pass, Lincoln, died Graveside Wednesday, tery, Kalmer MORTUARY, JACKSON N. 33rd Memorials Methodist Services: Grace Church. Ganzel. Orin Pitney, Pat McCarthy, Art Howlett, METCALF HOME, 245 LIEURANCE WOODWORKBars, Hand framing, CuSname it-we'll do Satisfaction 475-9263. REMODELING NEW experienced in489-2468.

basem*nt re464-4081. fireplaces, garages, remodeling of all Remodeling ESTIMATES MASONRY commercial. All types estimates, in- MAINTENANCE air conditioning, more. Skilled the iob, we Contracting. Cabinets.

of remodel. Call Cement Work the convention James R. CulSoil Conservascientist; Darelementary school Fairbury; JoFairbury, acof conservaDavid T. Lewis member of the department at the Nebraska; Lloyd Lincoln, a reand water conmanagement, Pollack of Aurowith the Soil Service. award is of the sociachieve- service to the level.

a non-profit education associto advancing art of good (Continued) ALL TYPES CUSTOM ING including carved Signs, Picture tom furniture. Or you it. Expert workmanship. guaranteed! KEMEACO, ALL TYPES ADDITIONS sured references, Brick block laving, pair, 22 yrs. experience.

Carpentry work, decks, additions, kinds. 475-2138. 464-8187. Complete Building 475-9400 FREE DOUG MAUGHAN Residential or of masonry work. sured.

432-6813. CONTRACTORS Plumbing, heating, masonry, carpentry tradesmen. Whatever handle it. 475-2529. Macy Barry trim work, all types Mike after 5pm, 240 Contracting Building C.Em's Basem*nt Repair Concrete Work, 474-5324.

432-6007 quality concrete, call experienced professionals. Soleorth Construction, 432-2556 or 477-1601. A1 Cement work, driveways, sidewalks, patios. Hicks 477-9126. AAA Basem*nt Repair Cement Work, free estimates.

474-1242. About Basem*nt repair, cement work, small jobs welcome. 435-6192. All Basem*nt installed, walls relayed. References.

464-8151. All cement work, patios, block basem*nts. retaining walls. Call compare prices, then call 467-2940. All types concrete masonry work.

475-9400. All types of cement work. Basem*nt repair. Tony's Cement Works, 489- 6686. 488-0074.

Basem*nt repair, small iobs weicome. 435-5322, 435-2749. Basem*nt repair, small iobs welcome, 435-2749. Concrete broken hauled away. Reasonable rates.

Immediate attention. Call 466-9375, 435-7414 Concrete work wanted, new construction 0. repair work, 25 years experience. Call 423-8423. DICK'S CONCRETE Garages, Basem*nts, Patios, Sidewalks, Steps.

Guaranteed. Free estimates. 798-7358. GABEL CONST. Commercial residential tennis courts.

Reasonable prices. Guaranteed work. 474-2634, 435-1735. Johnson's Concrete Specialist Sidewalks, patios, garage floors, driveways, free estimates. 488-6429.

Const. All types coment work. 25 years experience. 789-1210. Robertson Concrete All types of cement work.

Estimates. 488-1188. Siedhoff Concrete, commercial residential flat work, big or small, we do them all, call Tues. Thurs. or 477-7301.

Home 250 Repairs Services "DECOR" Home improvement. Paneling, frame, trim, finish basem*nts. All carpentry needs, 483-6490. 'Ask Mister Fix-It For all types of general home maintenance. Our craftsmen take pride in their quality work.

Winterize now. Insured, estimates, 475-5832 A-1 Winterization. Winter is Get your glass screens repaired now. Also caulking gutter work. Call 464-8169.

All phases rooting, A-1 references, also gutter work woodwork. Give me a call, Joey at 474-9212. All Remodeling paneling, ceilings, roofing concrete 464-8741, 488-6551. Basem*nt walls repaired. Backhoecatepillar work 466-9375, 435-7414 BILKA ELECTRIC Commercial, residential wiring, licensed insured.

Anytime, 3883. CAPITOL HOME SERVICE All types repair improvements, experienced reasonable. 423-4056. Carpenter work, building-remodeling pointing. 489-1836, 474-5258.

Carpet, linoleum, formica ceramic installation. 435-7406. Chain link wooden fence THE FENCE PLACE, 466-9438. Drywall Plaster work. Textures.

sheetrock hung, finishing. 423-6959. ELECTRICAN. Licensed insured. 488-6848.

Deaths Funerals JACKSON, JOHNSTON, KALINA, KENNEDY, LIEURANCE, POSPISIL, Henry 79, died Thursday. 1 p.m. Monday, MEMORIAL FUHOME, 6800 S. 14th Memorial Park. after 9 a.m.

Saturhome. Bruce Salt and Chicago, forLincoln, died Thurswife, Betty; Mrs. Peter L. (Jo Chico, Edmund H. Mullowney Mrs.

Garrison Wright, all of Lingrandchildren; and burial will be Salt Lake City. Doris, 55, 3245 Wednesday. 2 p.m. Monday, MORTUARY, Pallbearers: Loyd Richard Vaughn, Patrick Rowen, Krueger, Weldon Beulah, 80, 1145 Friday. 1:30 p.m.

Monday, MORTUARY, 4040 A Hal Smith. Linpark. MemoriLynn Green or Foundation. PallbearSherman, Ed ZimCarson, Dan Danner, John Honorary pallbear- Neil 63, formerly of Thursday. service: 11 a.m.

Malcolm CemeThe Rev. Knudson. WADLOW'S 1225 St. Howard, 71, 827 died Thursday. to Grace United Church, 2640 St.

10:30 a.m. MonUnited Methodist Rev. Dwight Pallbearers: Bill Fairfield, Wesley True, Ralph Johnson. FUNERAL N. 27th St.

Richard 250 Home Repairs (Continued)a Electrician, 24 hr. service, mates, all iobs welcome. Experienced carpet stallers, guaranteed work. mates. 483-1035.

Floors sanded refinished, experience, 489-3674. General home 464-7898 GUTTER WORK. New Free Estimates. HOMESTEAD FREE REASONABLE INSURED, REFERENCES. Maintenance 475-2529 REJDA CONSTRUCTION Building, remodeling, outbuildings.

Most any mates. 796-2366 or 796-2582. Roof repair, re-roofs Free estimates. Call Ted Roofing done reasonable, mates. 10 yrs.

experience, Roofing, A-1 craftsmanship, material. Guaranteed. Rooting, gutter work, sonable, conscientious. ROOFING Insured, references. Sidewalks, texturing, ing, inside out.

435-4664. Home Service, repaired, roofs patched, WANTED: Any home paint! Vinyl or steel siding with 40 vr. warranty. free save time money. mates insured ity products dependable affordable.

Superior Products. 1501 Superior, We do window washing, ing painting. Call 466-2289. ZIPS CARPET Quality Installation, for ness (also carpet vans). 260 Interior Decorating 75, Route Friday.

Shop. Esther; (Sally) three Services: LINCOLN NERAL St. Dr. coin COLN NERAL St. POSPISIL 79, 1801 Thursday.

Services: METCALF HOME, 245 Randy bearers: las Mynard, Mark Kevin SABATA 7432 Thursday. vors: sisters, Lincoln; pillion. Services: St. Joseph's Father vary. day, BERTS St.

Memorials letic David Greg Sabata, Steve SCHUBERT (Jenny), died Member Church. Christ nephews. Services: friedens, Lincoln morials to Church. Henry Sam Brolliar, Earl ARY, 4040 IN Outstate HOLLST died wife, Yutan; Services free esti475-6155. linoleum inFree esti- 20 years or Repair.

489-3372 ROOFING ESTIMATES, 435-7515. Contractors repair metal siding. iob. Free esti- remodeling, 483-5767. free esti435-3160.

quality 464-6532. odd iobs, red466-0462. 423-4686. ceilings, paint- gutters cleaned 470-2279. in need of in 9 colors Maintenance Free estifinancing.

Qualservice Building 474-4997. gutter clean- home or busi475-4266. Ask Mister Fix- Inc. Our craftsmen take pride in their workmanship. insured, estimates, 475-5832.

Call GENE REEVES 423-2920. Best price on quality papering painting. Guaranteed Call Jerry at 423-7112. Free estimates. Interior, exterior painting, hanging.

Yost, 464-1667, 464-0955. Painting, papering, texturing ceramic tile. Jack 466-0312. Excellent work, reasonable, free estimate, 423-8315, 423-3124. Wallpaper painting, free estimates, 423-7581, 792-2254.

265 Painting ASK MISTER FIX- IT, 475-5832 Insured. Free estimates Exterior Interior Pointing Year-around. Experienced. Free Estimates 488-2494 Interior and exterior painting, free estimates, guaranteed, eves 432-3797. Paint, caulk, sandblast, repair work, roofing, insured, references, 423-4686.

Painting, interior exterior, old or new work, fully insured, height is no obiect. Call after 6, 475-9009, 435-7673. QUALITY AND REASONABLE Reliable, insured. 489-9192, 489-1478 Home Services, Exterior Painting Trimming, 470-2279 270 Lawn Garden Care Dirt Dirt. 10 yards $70, 6 yards $48.

466-4038, 464-8223. A Bank or Slope Problem? RETAINING WALLS Stone or Railroad Tie Low Rates, Free Estimates, 782-8135 A-1 Aerating, plug type. Estimates. 488-8973, 432-1116. Aerating, small garden tractor rototilling, power raking, vacuuming.

Flair Enterprises 475-2050 AERATING Power raking vacuum, rototilling. Call eves. or weekends, 488-6918. BLACK DIRT 6 YDS. $48.50 3 YDS.

$32 464-5353 Custom Rototilling, Mowing, Yard Leveling Stump Removal. 466-2522. Dirt around foundations. lawn repair. Choice Bluegrass sod.

Eves. 466-5174. Dirt around foundations, grading, seeding, sodding. 477-8336. Fall Garden Plowing With Tractor 489-5749 GABEL CONSTRUCTION All kinds landscaping, hauling, yard grading.

474-2634, 435-1735. Have tractor mower for weeds. Insured prompt service 423-8421. LAWNMOWING TRIMMING Howard Esther E. Joseph A.

Hazel D. Richard C. Madeline L. 1, Lincoln, died Owner operater of Survivors; wife, daughter Mrs. Walt Loyd, Westminster, grandchildren.

3:30 p.m. Monday. MEMORIAL FUHOME, 6800 S. 14th Rodney Wilmoth. LinMemorial Park.

MEMORIAL FUHOME, 6800 S. 14th Folsom Madeline died 1 p.m. Monday, FUNERAL N. 27th St. Al Goff, Shull.

Fairview. PallDennis Alfrey, DougRyan Schulz, Schulz, David Mynard, Schulz, Keith Schulz. Blanche 52, Whitestone Drive, died Corrected surviMary Stanislav, Marcie Wemhoff, Pa- 10.0 a.m. Monday, Catholic Church. Thomas Holoman.

CalRosary: 7:30 p.m. SunHOGDMAN-SPLAIN-RO- MORTUARY, 4040 A to Pius AthFund. Pallbearers: Wesely, Tim Irons, Mark Wemhoff, Stanislav, Joe Miratsky. Henrietta 79, 1526 Cheyenne Friday. Homemaker.

Friedens Lutheran Survivors: husband, several nieces, 1:30 p.m. Monday. Lutheran Church. Gordon Jorgenson. Memorial Park.

MeFriedens Lutheran Pallbearers: Conrad, Floth, Harold Clough, Carl Gettmann, Gettman MORTUA St. John, 61, Yutan, Thursday. Survivors: Irene; James, Stephen, Mead; sis- 270 Lawn Care Dirt (Continued) Power raking, free estimates, sonable rates. 423-4802, 423-7030. Roto-tilling, reasonable rates, 464-1072.

Rototilling. Evenings Reasonable. Vernon Grant. ROTOTILLING Reasonable, 435-5905 Tilling, plowing, light dirt work. 38" gate, 435-3352.

YARD REPAIR Drainage Problems, top soil fill Bank leaky foundations, aerating, seeding, sod. Call weekends-488-6918. 212 Services Miscellaneous rates, call weekends. 464-3227. PORR, Etheida M.

SABATA, Blanche A. SCHUBERT, Henrietta (Jenny) VENELL, Irvin E. ters, Mrs. Emma Johnson, Mrs. Richard (Marian) Miners, Mrs.

Louis (Elsie) Karloff, all Yutan; brothers, Hans, Henry Hollst, both Yutan; three grandchildren. Services: 10 a.m. Monday, St. John's Lutheran Church, Yutan. The Rev.

Vitauts Grinvalds. Sunrise Cemetery, Wahoo. Prayer service: 7:30 p.m. Sunday, ERICSON'SHULT FUNERAL HOME, Memorials to church. Esther 55, Omaha, formerly of Lincoln, Saturday.

LINCOLN MEMORIAL FUNERAL HOME, 6800 S. 14th St. KALINA Joseph 78, Crete, died Thursday. Services: 2:30 p.m. Sunday, KUNCL FUNERAL HOME, Crete.

Riverside Cemetery, Crete. KENNEDY Hazel 78. Beatrice, formerly of Shelby, died Friday. Survivors: band, Theodore daughter, Mrs. Kenneth (Rosanna) Johnson, Peru; two stepgrandsons, one greatstepgrandson; sister, Mrs.

Kate Evans, Burbank, Calif. Services: 2 p.m., Tuesday. Griffiths-Hovendick Chapel, Beatrice. Evergreen Home Cemetery. PORR Ethelda 70, Pawnee City, died Wednesday.

Services: 10:30 a.m. Monday, United Methodist Church, Pawnee City. Pawnee City Cemetery. WHERRY BROTHERS MORTUARY, Pawnee City. VENELL Irvin 85, Geneva, formerly of Shickley, died Friday.

Survivors: wife, Edith, daughter, Mrs. Cozette Fahrenbruch, Enid, sisters, Mrs. Charles (Ellen) Rudd, Ong, Mrs. Leslie (Julia) Rudd, San Jose, one grandchild; three greatgrandchildren. Services: 3 p.m.

Sunday. Farmer Son Funeral Home, Geneva, Ong Cemetery, awards during banquet were: ver of Lincoln, tion Service soil rel Freitag, coordinator at seph F. Jelinek of tive in a variety tion programs; of Lincoln, a agronomy University of N. Mielke of searcher in soil servation and and Robert S. ra, a soil scientist Conservation The commendation given to members ety for professional ment and for society at the state The society is scientific and ation dedicated the science and land use.

148 Personals (Continued) Electrolux Vacuum Authorized SalesService Rep. Ernie Bailey, 464-0127. Faith's Checkbook Something To Cash in Call 474-4529. For Prayer Promises Prayer, Call 474-4539. Fall ceramic class openings for afternoon evenings.

A great way to make Christmas gifts! Call 483-5630. For sale United Airline fare coupons. $60 ea. 488-5998. after 5.

HYPNOSIS. Lose weight, stop smoking. reduce tension. 477-2558. Need 4 football tickets to Neb.

games, 477-9139. Need 3 Nebraska-Kansas football tickets. No students. 474-6348. Need University of Nebraska football tickets, Call day 8-5 464-7477.

Notice to Lisa Gregory Styles. All personal property abandoned by you at 1336 No 19 St. Lincoln, Nebraska on or about March 19, 1979 will be disposed of if not reclaimed and removed by you on or before Oct 15, 1979. Call 489-4177. One way airline tickets from Lincoln to Seattle or Lincoln to Spokane for sale, only $80.

Save $90, good til Dec 15. Call 435-8539 or 467-4916 evenings. Shakiee Slimming Program, classes now forming, 477-2558. SINGLES WANTED for our Dating Service. Age 19 to 435-7497 or P.O.

Box 4686. Lincoln, Ne. 68504. Ski Condiminium Copper Mountain. Starts Thanksgiving.

Weekly rates only. 483-7378. Snow is on the way, reserve condo, Dillion, Colorado, 489-8780, 475-1101. Too many bills? Lincoln Financial Advisory can help. 477-6002.

United Airlines fare coupons for sale. 435-0640. United Airline half fore coupons for sale. $50 each. 488-8010.

Want to buy United Airline discount coupons. 488-7054. WANTED REAL BAD NEBR. FOOTBALL TICKETS. 475-3016.

Wanted, people who like good steaks. Come to Sheri's Country Tavern at Beaver Crossing, 532-9515. WANTED: 2 NEBRASKA FOOTBALL TICKETS, DAYS 483-4589, EVENINGS- 488-0074. WANTED: UNL season tickets, will pay pre-mium price for good seats. Call 466-3768 or 486-2526.

Will pay $20 each for United Airline Coupons. 483-2700. Will pay $50 for 2 United Airline COUpons. 464-9775. 205 Services Professional Alexander Simpson P.C., generai practice of law, 3701 435-6148.

Joe W. Wright, Attorney, 483-6514. Initial Consultation no charge. POWERS; ATTORNEY 474-5054 Uncontested divorce $150 cost Simple bankruptcy $225 cost Professional Resume Service 606 NBC Center 475-8104 STREET OPENING SPECIAL New Image Beauty Salon All perms reduced this week Call Dorothy, 432-3078 for appointment 220 Dressmaking Alterations, all kinds. coats relined, restyled, shortened, 423-4128.

M.M. TAILORING Mens lodies. 2295 So 48. 489-0285. 230 Snow Removal Highpower- Excellent snow 489-7617.

240 Building Contracting removal. C.Em's Basem*nt Repair Concrete Work, 474-5324, 432-6007 AAA Basem*nt Repair, bulging walls repaired, new installed. 474-1242. Able, experienced, basem*nt walls replaced repaired, Hicks, 477-9126. Additions all types remodeling.

Spencer's Building. 488-2721. Additions all remodeling needs, Dier's Bido. Remodel 477-7609. Al's basem*nt repair, can solve all problems, 474-1129.

All cement work, patios, block basem*nts. retaining walls. Call compare prices, then call 467-2940. All phases remodeling, experienced. Reasonably priced.

Professional estimates, anviime. 423-6383. Nobel Peace Prize winner, journalists to talk at UNO OMAHA (AP) Nobel Northern Ireland in an attempt Peace Prize winner Betty Wil- to end the violence there. liams and two well known jour- Mrs. Williams will speak in nalists are the scheduled Omaha Oct.

22. speakers for the University of The other two ABC breakNebraska at Omaha's sixth an- fasts will feature CBS Correnual series of Academy, Busi- spondent Charles Kuralt and ness, Community breakfasts. author. David Halberstam. Mrs.

Williams shared the will speak Jan. 22, 1976 prize with Mairead CorriThe two women organized Halberstam will appear Feb. gan. a broad-based movement in 18. A former New York Times Record Births Starkey, David Saturday and Vicki (Brown), 3211 N.

71st girl, Information on Lincoln births provided Bryan. by hospitais. Friday Eimers, Gary and Rebecca (Heitner), 4628 Cooper, boy, Bryan. girl, Hintz, 746 (Rezac), (Resig), girl, red- Need fill work. rototilling, eves or CUSTOM LAMPSHADES Any material, any shape or any size.

Call Beverly Ward 489-4036. Exterminating, anytime, Chuck's Cleoning Service, 435-4874, 489-5958. Office cleaning of all types, evening hours. Chuck's Cleaning Service, 435- 4874, 489-5958. 280 Hauling Trucking $10.00 per load for limbs light trash to landfill, also haul old refrigerators, freezers washers.

435-0782. A-1 hauling, cleaning, moving 474-0268 DON'S HAULING. Yard garage need cleaning? Local moving trash hauling, local call 781-2423, reasonable rates. FURNITURE MOVING AND TRASH HAULING, 435-1476 Furniture, appliances piano moving, also trash hauling, clean up, etc. Reasonable.

475-9073. If you need to move are lacking a truck a driver, local only. Call 466- 8806 or 466-8812. Light Hauling, evenings weekends, reasonable. 464-3227.

Light Hauling. Evenings weekends. Reasonable. 475-6807. Light Hauling.

Basem*nt, garage cleaning, $9 a load. 477-6710. Moving Hauling of any type. "We specialize in pianos" 432-3151, 489-4176 285 Tree Service Tree Trimming, Removal Stumps FRANK'S TREE SERVICE 477-4700 Tree trimming removal, hedge evergreen trimming, licensed, insured, free estimates. 15 yrs.

experience. Work guaranteed. 435-5482. 301 Antiques 25' oak bar 18 back bar with 14' 4' mirror pillars, built the early 1900's. Call Husker Bar Brainard, Neb.

402-545-2881. Antiques: Large selection. The Village Store, 710 St. 432-8422 Brass National cash register, will trade for old watches. 786-3635.

COACHHOUSE ANTIQUES 26th Marble top table, lovely walnut carved settee, stenciled arm rocker, early baskets including Shaker, marbie top walnut commodes, drop front maple desk with book shelf, set of maple Empire style chairs with caning, quilt rack, carved barometer, dressing glass, framed Santa prints. pretty Bremen Greiner music box, several cast iron toys, group of early Betty lamps, cranberry blue coin dot opalescent kerosene lamps, steepie clock. Daily 10:30. COUNTRY STORE ANTIQUES 2156 S. 7-Open 7 days Fancy oak secretary, umbrella hat rack stand, pressed back chairs, oak youth chair, walnut childs bed, curved glass china cabinet, various oak chairs, Sat.

12-6, Sun. 10-6, 2530 J. FLEA MARKET Antiques, collectibles misc. Dealers spaces available. Sat.

Oct. 6th 7th. Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park, off Greenwood exit 420. Midway Lincoln Omaha. 402-944-3361.

Going out business must sell, 7 oak wall hanging telephones 8 mantle clocks, 50-70 vrs. old. 2 china cabinets. Prefer one dealer take all, cash. 721-5501.

Oak Furniture Sale 2-7pm. Thru 10 Oct. 4304 Hillside. Roll-top desk, refinished, small, church pews, one 4 one 5, ished, drop oak leaf table chairs, refinished. 781-2606.

Wooden wheeled farm wagon, horse drawn Implements, harnesses, brass hames and many other related Items, 2 gloss show coss. CoM 435-6107. Grosser, Jeff and Sharon (Harman), 4437 Grandview Bryan. West boy, John and Mary, (Grady), Nickolite, John and Diane 4200 Baldwin, boy, St. E.

Warren, Loy F. 111 and Darlene 7231 Seward, girl, Bryan. Wilson, Roger and Mary (Sobotka), 6330 Oakridge Drive, St. E. 301 Antiques (Continued) International Shows Presents OMAHA International ANTIQUE Show Sale OCT.

5-6-7 CIVIC AUDITORIUM CONVENTION CENTER Fri. Sot. 12:00 Noon to Sunday to 100 Selected Exhibits. The areas most beautiful show. ADM $1.50 GOOD ALL 3 DAYS THE JACK LAWTON WEBB SHOW: MEMBER IADA Antiques 1541 SW 9 One Sfep Super Stripper Furniture Stripping Refinishing LAMPLIGHTER ANTIQUES All Moved Ready to Show you my new shop beginning Monday, Oct.

1st. Stop in for Cookies Coffee. I'm having a special on some really nice old barn lanterns. Only $9.99 while they last. Don't forget Just around the corner at 6541 Fairfax.

Oak display case, bevelled glass, $200, 6 x2 489-4734. 303 Building Material 1,000 kitchen cabinets, $10 up. Soles, Douglas, 402-938-3385. Clean turn of the century patio brick, plaster lath lumber. Crete 826-5207.

Fireplace, 36x24. Heatilator, good condition, $100. 782-3152 after 4pm. RAILROAD TIES Call 432-3151 anytime REMODELING WINDOW WALL. 81" tall by 158" long, 2 sliding doors, $125 or best offer, you remove by Oct.

13. 488-7581. Used 8" cement blocks, uncleaned. 25 cents each. 464-2836.

Used lumber bought sold. Crawford Lumber, 644 West 435-3338. 308 Clothing Beautiful full length muskrat coat, size 16, worn one season. Appraised at $1400. Sell for $850.

435-5320. 309. Jewelry DIAMONDS, GOLD SILVER Highest prices paid for diamond iewelery, wedding rings, class rings, Call Triple 474-0882. 315 Food Apples to pick, tree run; $4 bushel, 2 miles east of 84th southwest corner. After 1pm Saturday.

APPLES Johnathan, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Grimes Golden, Orleans Delicious, Rome Beauty, Winsap, also fresh cider. Wright Orchard. Hamburg, Iowa. Hwy 275. 712-382-1146.

Open Daily 8-6. APPLES Johnathan Delicious. Water. melons, popcorn, sorghum, honey, cherry apple cider. 2 miles south of Union Junction on Hwy 73-75.

APPLES One of Nebraska's fine apple orchards, 3 miles east of Lincoln on Pioneers. Beautiful red golden Delicious, Wealthies, Rome Beautys, Delcons. Stayman Winesap, honey apple cider. Open every day 11am5pm. APPLE HILL FARM 9001 PIONEERS BLVD Beautiful Red Delicious apples.

$7.00 per bushel. 6701 South St. Delicious spring Lamb. $1.99 per lb. Delivered.

Alan Thober 112-754-4353. FRESH APPLES CIDER Jonathan Delicious. Great for eating cooking. By the bag or bushel. See us at 4501 Grimes Golden, Red Delicious, ready.

Also turnips. 488-4725. Jonathan, Golden Red Delicious, Grimes Golden, Apple Cider Homemade apple sauce. KIMMEL ORCHARD Nebraska City, NE. Open daily 8-6.

Also available at Ideal Grocery, 27th Swing in Food Store All pleaded guilty unless otherwise indicated. Age, address, if any, from court records. Court costs additional to fines. Municipal Court More than Alcohol Draper, Randall 22, Rural Route 3, sentencing Nov. 2.

Rolfmeier, Steven 29, Seward, sentencing Nov. 2. Roth, Douglas 24, 1551 N. 32nd six months suspended operator's license, $100. 318 Fuel Firewood Available.

Ash firewood. Reasonable. Limited supply. 464-7759 423-8421. For sale: firewood, mixed, $20 cord plus delivery charge.

John L. Ekeler, Exeter, Ne. Phone 266-4601 after 6pm. Have wood splitter, will travel. Call 475-8321 Top Hat Chimney Sweeps (Chimney Caps) 475-0205 24 hrs.

Garage 322 Sales Rummage 1002 No. Sun. 9am-5pm, clothing, toys, tools much misc. 1011 Cobblestone Sat. 8-6, 5 Sun.

12- 6. Desk, bed, end tables, kitchen items, electric football game, books, plants, pots, clothing. Much misc. 1125 Meadowdale. Sat Sun 9-6.

Clothing, new books, toys, bicycle, furniture, lawn mower, misc. 1301 Sycamore. Sat. Sun. 9-5.

Portable TV, gas stove, clothing, fur cape, drapes, furniture, trikes, misc. 1305 S. 40th Round oak table, pressed back chairs, oak secretaries, old advertising items, Edison cylinder player, lots of old oak furnture, books, mirrors, pictures frames, some glassware, snow tires, tire rims, aquarium equipment, Olympia typewriter, miscelianeous. Mostly oid, some new. Sat.

Sun. 1701 Westland Circle, Fri, Sat Sun, 10 to 6. 1901 Garfield. Antiques, furniture, kitchen much misc. Sat.

Sun. 1930 So 15. Sat Sun. 10am. No early diggers.

Furnace, swing, wood tables, bikes, canopy set, 350 Honda, much more. 1970 Range, air conditioner, clothes, much misc. Sat. Sun. 2 family garage sale.

Oct 6 7.5533 Myrtle. Sat 11-6. Sun 1-6. Clothes, clay pots, buffet, toys, etc. 2121 No.

59 Garage Sale Appliances, household goods, baby furniture, stereo, tools, books, clothes, iewelery, Sal, Sun. 224 Mill Road, 7 mi. north of Superior on 14th St. mi. Fri.

clothing all sizes misc. 2300 St. car port sale, pool table, dishes, antiques, tools, winter clothes, coats jackets, electric broom, bedding, canning jars, Saturday Sunday. 2426 So. 14, frost free hiking boots-8, Huffy bike, space heater, 2 sets Chevy mags, complete drum set, air '57 Chevy hood, clothing, tires, large mirror, 477-2451.

2505 So. 14, big garage sale, multifamily, beds, Tyco AFX track, Playboys, clothes, much more. Fri. thru 10-6. 261 Sycamore, Fri.

Sat. Snow tires, crib, broiler oven, bike, medicine chest, sink, mink neck piece, lamps, rollaway, car seat, Snugli, more. 2802 Ryons. 9 till dark. Mowers, tires, chrome wheels, furniture, clothes, small trunks, HO train set misc.

3 family sale, furniture, Chandelier, clothes, baby items, trailer, many books, misc. 1126 So 15, Sat, Sun, 10-5. 3230 No 58 Washer, dryer, old china cabinet, 2 Model A wheels, bowling boll, curtains, clothes, misc. 9-6 Sat. 3511 SOMERSET.

Old bottles, window air conditioner, 12,000 BTU $75.. toys, clothes, shoes, dishes, beer glass collection, books, crafts, baby items lots of misc. Our junk is your treasure. Oct. 2-7 Tues Wed 9am6pm.

other days 9-3. 3803 Sat. Sun. 9-6. Estate, mens XL clothing, hunting fishing equipment, decoys, guns, reloader, grill, painters overalls, much misc.

4009 No. 12. Furniture, small appliances, books, collectibles, dishes misc. Sat. Sun.

9-6. 4100 VAN DORN. Antiques, books, nice glass pottery, collectibles some furniture. Sat Sun 9-6. 420 NW 19.

Fri-Sun 9.9. Pot belly stove. Ford 3-speed transmission radiator, like new baby items toys, clothes, dishes misc. 4500 Linden, Sat. Sun.

9-5. Dishes, clothing, misc. 7017 Yosemite Sat. 9am-4pm. Better than auction prices.

Much new. Something of everything. Antiques, furniture, much misc. Fri Sat. Sun.

-9-6pm. 2805 Arlington 13 blocks north of South Antiques, Hummels, gas grill, plants. lodder, space heater, porcelean stove, furniture Fri. Sat. 9-5.

4740 Grassridge Rd. Cleaning out sale, top shape regulation size pool table, 1 In. solid slate top; 2 beautifully mounted deer heads: doors; odds of lumber; fit: tings ports: most anything but clothes. 4410 So. 44.

Clothes, wide variety, pair wide tires. 14 in. rims, tovs, misc. Sal. Sun.

10. 6, west of Emerald. to 126th, turn north to Adams, turn west to 1404 turn portia, 2ad.

Lincoln Journal Star from Lincoln, Nebraska (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.