Magical Girl no Civil War Sign-up (2024)

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Parable Since: Aug, 2009

#1: Jun 19th 2011 at 10:26:10 PM


Dicussion thread.

So what happens when you combine History, Magical Girls, and a dream? An RP with Magical Girls channeling generals of all the wars of history to fight each other in a war that promises to bring about the Mother of all Battles!

It is the year 2013 on this alternate Earth where the continent of Atlantis exists and has a country. Except years of economic, political, and cultural differences between the northern and southern halves of Atlantis have caused friction and are leading to a war of rebellion! Will the south leave the north, or will the country be united forever? If negotations fail, only the battlefield will tell.

And on the battlefield are the Magical Girls. Young woman with the power of small armies. The cream of the West Point Academy for Magical Girls have been divided by the war; Rebel or Loyalist? Once the conflict breaks outs out you, the Magical Girl, must pick a side.

Still a student unprepared for war? No worries! Part of the magic is you have the spirit of a famous general from the wars of old to channel. You have their knowledge and their power, and your personality reflects whose spirit you have. As do your magical abilities.

Choose your general. Choose your side. God alone knows which is right.

Comabat will be a turn based system.

General's Name:
Clothing or Armor:

  • Offensive: Gives +1 to your attacks in a specific situation
  • Defensive: Gives -1 to enemy attacks in a specific situation
  • Utility: Does not provide bonuses. Only persons strongly associated with flight can fly, only persons strongly associated with water can waterwalk. Only those strongly associated with artillery can use it. Here is where you include terrain movement modifiers or similar.

edited 20th Jun '11 5:55:57 PM by Parable

Moerin (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#2: Jun 19th 2011 at 10:33:14 PM

Oh wow, I can tell this was the RP I was born to take part in~

Um... Right, better get to work on that profile, ahah~ >.>

EDIT: Oh wait, already 10 pages of discussion? Gah, I can see you guys probably have everything sorted out already and I'd probably just get in the way, ahah...

edited 19th Jun '11 10:37:17 PM by Moerin

lockonlockon Game Master from In a dream Since: Jan, 2001

Game Master

#3: Jun 19th 2011 at 10:47:18 PM

Not in terms of plot, we were just using that to figure out what would happen, there's still room for you.

TVTropes Nuzlocke Thread. - Arceus Help Us All.

SOCR Since: Apr, 2009 Relationship Status: Get out of here, STALKER

#4: Jun 19th 2011 at 11:03:22 PM

Characters have only two stats; Health and Movement.

  • Health is always 10 for player characters unless Utility modifies this.
  • Movement will be decided by GM during ability confirmation, possible values range from 4-9.

During your signup please include a Weapon Class for your General, describing the basic role of your attack (The attack itself can take any form you wish it to). Please base this off the general's historic performance or area of expertise. The weapons classes are...

Listed in order of advantage: The one on top beats the one underneath (and the one on the bottom beats the one on the top)

FAQ: What about bows? Choose a 'Melee' class weapon, and make your Utility ability 'Can make ranged attacks'. What is this mention of 'artillery' as a Utility then? Ignore it, that was a placeholder for an Artillery terrain type which no longer exists.

  • Melee - adjacent hexes. 50% (rounded down) more powerful.
  • Large Arms - two or three hexes away. Cannot attack adjacent.
  • Small Arms - Adjacent or two hexes away.


  • Pike (and other long polearms, including cavalry lances)
  • Halberd (and other short polearms)
  • Sword, knife, or similar.

Large Arms:

  • Rockets or Missiles (or torpedoes, or bombs...)
  • Field Gun (anything from culverin to tank autocannon, and naval artillery from before WWI)
  • Mortar, etc. (howitzers, basically any indirect-fire artillery. Also naval artillery from WWI onwards.)
    • If you're looking to perform an anti-air role like FLAK cannons or similar, I would recommend your Utility be 'Reverses weapon advantages' to allow Field Guns over Missiles.

Small Arms:

  • Long Gun (Anything from muskets to sniper rifles, really. Slow rate of fire)
  • Machine Gun (High rate of fire)
  • Pistol

edited 20th Jun '11 2:25:59 AM by SOCR

How can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all?

Fusionman I'm Back Bitches (not really) from In a snow-covered wasteland Since: Nov, 2009 Relationship Status: I wanna know about these strangers like me

I'm Back Bitches (not really)

#5: Jun 19th 2011 at 11:18:49 PM

  • Name: Georgina Patton
  • General's Name: George Smith Patton, Jr.
  • Age: 16
  • Appearance: A young lithe 16 year old girl with grey hair and brown eyes, she is usually seen holding some kind of metal. With lines on her forehead seeming unbecoming for her age and gender she is not attractive by most standards.
  • Personality: She is very angry and short tempered. She also has an eccentric way of speaking. Full of hatred to anyone against her she will strike with a crazy dedication. She is seen by crazy by people who dislike her.
  • History: Georgina is known as a trouble-maker in the school. Usually getting into fights leaving her in detention she is a happy woman who has some close friends in the Junior class. While infamous for jumping into any fight she has read Sun Tzu's work nearly religiously.
  • Clothing or Armor: A red dress with a small green cap on his head and long blue jeans with small cuts from battles she's gotten into


  • Patton Offensive: +1 to all attacks on an adjacent hex
  • Desert Training: Able to Dig In anywhere.
  • Pas De Calais: Compelling Voice taken instead of an action. On a 5 or 6, all enemy units adjacent to Patton will on their next turn move away to their maximum movement range or until obstructed. In addition to current effect, on a 3 or 4 enemy units will move only one hex away.
  • Weapon Class Small arms. Two ivory encrusted pistols usually firing small lasers. The stronger the hit the more rapid the amount of lasers fired or the bigger the laser.
  • Movement 6

edited 20th Jun '11 12:10:35 AM by Fusionman

To Be Updated when I'm not Lazy

SOCR Since: Apr, 2009 Relationship Status: Get out of here, STALKER

#7: Jun 19th 2011 at 11:30:00 PM

Ability ruling for Patton, pending acceptance (It should be noted that you need to choose a weapon class, I am assuming Pistol):

  • Master of the Sword: An additional +1 to attacks on enemies in adjacent hexes.
  • ???: Can Dig In regardless of terrain rules.*
  • Pas De Calais: Compelling Voice taken instead of an action. On a 5 or 6, all enemy units adjacent to Patton will on their next turn move away to their maximum movement range or until obstructed, if possible. On a 3 or 4, all enemy units adjacent to Patton will on their next turn move one hex away if possible.
  • Movement: 6

edited 20th Jun '11 12:07:51 AM by SOCR

How can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all?

Parable Since: Aug, 2009

#8: Jun 19th 2011 at 11:51:00 PM


lockonlockon Game Master from In a dream Since: Jan, 2001

Game Master

#9: Jun 20th 2011 at 12:09:07 AM

  • Name: Marlene Richthofen
  • General's Name: Manfred von Richthofen
  • Age: 17
  • Appearance: A tall, thin, pale girl with blue eyes. Negligibly endowed. Has long, bright scarlet hair that she keeps in pig-tails.
  • Personality: Friendly and cheerful, Marlene cares greatly for her friends and subordinates. But when it comes time to fight, she forsakes all emotion, focusing merely on the battle. Marlene is somewhat of an eccentric, obsessed with both honoring her past life, and "improving" on what he lacked in her opinion. She is prone to "adopting" people she finds cute, even if they are older than her, likes to call herself "Big Sis." Obsessed with red, to the point of near insanity, her favorite flavor is cherry, she dresses almost entirely in red when out of uniform, and in uniform, wears a red scarf with the Luftwaffe roundel, she even dyed her hair red. Has something of a sweet tooth, usually has a supply of cherry lollipops that she will offer to anyone she talks too. Knits and builds military models in her spare time.
  • History: Born in Eastern Germany, Marlene was a well-groomed aristocrat. She loved gymnastics, finding it the closest thing she had to flying, which she always dreamed of. She had always admired Manfred von Richthofen, the “Red Baron”, building models of his planes, and painting models that weren’t his planes, like his planes. One day, she was taken to see a flight demonstration by graduates of West Point, Marlene was immediately inspired. She quickly had tests done to determine her potential as a Magical Girl, and when she saw that she was capable, Marlene immediately applied to West Point, hoping that she could make it, and that if she did, it would be her long-time idol, the Red Baron who she had connected with. When she found out that she had, Marlene was elated, and set about making certain she lived up to his potential.
  • Clothing or Armor:
    • Civvie Clothes: A red cardigan over a black camisole with a red pleated miniskirt.
    • Uniform: The standard South Atlantisian Air Force uniform, with her red Luftwaffe scarf.
    • Magic Armor: A red longcoat over a short black dress with a pleated skirt. Has four ribbons trailing from her collar which in combination with her twin tails symbolize the three stacked wings of her Predecessor's Fokker Dr.I Dreidecker.
  • Abilities: Machine Gun User
    • Offensive: Dicta Boelcke Drei: +1 to attacking adjacent units.
    • Defensive: Flying Circus: -1 to enemy attacks when allied Air Force is within a 3 hex radius.
    • Utility: Flight: Can traverse any terrain.

edited 20th Jun '11 12:10:14 AM by lockonlockon

TVTropes Nuzlocke Thread. - Arceus Help Us All.

Parable Since: Aug, 2009

#10: Jun 20th 2011 at 12:14:33 AM

Pretty sure SOCR already covered all your number stuff, so Accepted.

SOCR Since: Apr, 2009 Relationship Status: Get out of here, STALKER

#11: Jun 20th 2011 at 12:17:54 AM

Ability Ruling for Richthoffen:*

  • Dicta Boelcke Drei: +1 against all adjacent hexes
  • Flying Circus: -1 to enemy attacks when allied 'Flight' units are within 3 hexes.
  • Flight: Movement ignores terrain effects.
  • Movement: 8

edited 20th Jun '11 12:20:48 AM by SOCR

How can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all?

daltar (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#12: Jun 20th 2011 at 12:49:18 AM

  • Name: Simone Joseita Bolivar
  • General's Name: Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios Ponte y Blanco.Magical Girl no Civil War Sign-up (15)
  • Age: 17
  • Appearance: Long black hair, brown eyes, not very tall but fiery demeanor when angered and sheer passion make up for that. She's Caucasian though her skin is mostly tanned due to her exposure to the sun.
  • Personality: A fairly serious girl and cool girl under normal circ*mstances, though in battle and when her ideals are contested she responds with a clear passion and determination.
  • History: The young only child of a wealthy Venezuelan family... only child because both of her parents died before the girl could even reach puberty. Entrusted to her uncle who was a doctor and University professor the girl was given a fairly strict childhood, full of tutors and studies. Not that she minded, as she was naturally curious and the personalized teaching suited her wonderfully. When she reached the right age she underwent the Magical Girl test and found to her surprise that she had the talents to be admitted in the West Point Academy for Magical Girls. Without any hesitation the young Venezuelan girl accepted the unlikely opportunity to develop skills and study the magical arts.
  • Clothing or Armor: A red sleeveless shirt, a blue long jacket magically hanging from her shoulders without falling no matter what, a blue skirt and black boots.
  • Weapon Class: Melee - Sword
  • Movement: 6
  • Abilities:
    • Against all Odds:+1 to attacks when Simone is adjacent to 2 or more enemy units.
    • Elusive: -1 to enemy attacks when Simone has 3 or less health left.
    • Guerrilla Warfare: Simone ignores terrain attack penalties.

edited 20th Jun '11 1:37:21 AM by daltar

SOCR Since: Apr, 2009 Relationship Status: Get out of here, STALKER

#13: Jun 20th 2011 at 12:53:06 AM

This post was thumped by the Codfish in a Derby Hat

How can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all?

Oni-Lord Since: May, 2010

#14: Jun 20th 2011 at 12:56:13 AM

  • Name: Andrea Jackson
  • General's Name: Andrew Jackson
  • Age: 17
  • Appearance: Average height, but athletic in appearance. She has blue eyes and brown hair that she keeps slightly short. It goes down to her shoulders and curls outwards at the ends. She has a scar on the back of her left hand.
  • Personality: Andrea is very rough around the edges to strangers and new people. She can seem very rude and crass most of the time even to those that know her. To those that she does consider her friends, she is as loyal as can be. She will go out of her way to make sure her friends are happy and beat anyone who upsets them into the dirt. Andrea is prone to getting into fights and has the bad habit of holding grudges for a long time. She doesn't like to follow orders and if she thinks that they will get in her way she will completely ignore any commanding officers. To her subordinates she is much more relatable and friendly though, always looking out for them. She is also pretty bad with money and doesn't trust banks.
  • History: A child of the south, Andrea was raised in a rural town that was slightly over looked by all big time people and politicians. Even at a young age Andrea would pick fights often with the other kids, though the adults did not mind too much as long as the fights didn't get out of hand. Andrea never lost to anyone, even when a boy pulled a knife on her. When she found out that there was a school for magically gifted girls she was a bit interested and tried out for it. When she found out she had the potential she was excited. This place gave them a pretty good excuse to fight, and supernatural abilities are always pretty good.
  • Clothing or Armor: She wears a tan over coat most of the time with a white tank top underneath. She has black pants, brown holsters for her revolvers, and dark brown boots. She wears a dark brown leather glove over her left hand.
  • Abilities: Revolver user
  • Duelist: +1 to enemies no other allies have attacked in the previous turn
  • Old Hickory: Attacks against Andrea Jackson while Andrea Jackson is Fortified incur an additional -1, for a total of -3.
  • Cavalry Charge: Andrea Jackson treats Hills as clear terrain.
  • Movement: 6

edited 20th Jun '11 1:47:43 AM by Oni-Lord

SOCR Since: Apr, 2009 Relationship Status: Get out of here, STALKER

#15: Jun 20th 2011 at 1:07:10 AM

Ability Ruling: Andrea Jackson*

  • Duelist: +1 to enemies no other allies have attacked in the previous turn
  • Old Hickory: Attacks against Andrea Jackson while Andrea Jackson is Fortified incur an additional -1, for a total of -3.
  • Cavalry Charge: Andrea Jackson treats Hills as Clear terrain.
  • Movement: 6

edited 20th Jun '11 1:36:53 AM by SOCR

How can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all?

SOCR Since: Apr, 2009 Relationship Status: Get out of here, STALKER

#16: Jun 20th 2011 at 1:11:05 AM

Er, edited down Jackson's movement to 6, apologies.

Judging movement is the hardest part of this lol

edited 20th Jun '11 1:11:23 AM by SOCR

How can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all?

daltar (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#17: Jun 20th 2011 at 1:19:27 AM

Hmmm... I think I rather go with the stat nullification for enemy terrain bonuses maybe with a new name... Guerrilla Warfare?.

As it stands Simone won't be able to travel through any mountains unless they are just one square long and the 4 movement for the rest doesn't sit too well with how I envisioned her. Alas, your trip through the Andes was not meant to be Simone~

One question though, Flight units don't get terrain bonuses right? It seems obvious but I ask just in case.

Also, thanks for helping me balance her SOCR.

SOCR Since: Apr, 2009 Relationship Status: Get out of here, STALKER

#18: Jun 20th 2011 at 1:30:15 AM

Flight units do not observe movement penalties for terrain, but their actions on enemies and enemy actions on them still observe attack penalties. "Movement ignores terrain effects." is the exact text. Basically Simone got 'Flight Light'.

Is this better?

  • Guerrilla Warfare: Simone ignores terrain attack penalties
  • Movement: 6

For those wondering about the Movement ratings, the usual pattern is* :

  • 4: Ultra-slow, for special circ*mstance only
  • 5: Slow. Heavy units or naval vessels, or commanders focused on defense.
  • 6: Standard speed
  • 7: Fast. Only for dragoon units or commanders dedicated to, not just had used, cavalry or armor units.
  • 8: Aircraft
  • 9: Ultra-fast, special circ*mstances only.

edited 20th Jun '11 1:54:10 AM by SOCR

How can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all?

daltar (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#19: Jun 20th 2011 at 1:34:48 AM

Much better, thank you SOCR. Flight Light, appropriate, that was more or less what I was thinking All Terrain would end up as.

SOCR Since: Apr, 2009 Relationship Status: Get out of here, STALKER

#20: Jun 20th 2011 at 1:37:15 AM

Yeah, and I like the concept, I'd just have had to knock your speed back for it.

You're welcome!

Ability Ruling: Simone Bolivar*

  • Against All Odds: Simone Bolivar gets +1 to attacks if adjacent to more than one enemy.
  • Elusive: -1 to enemy attacks if Simone Bolivar is at 3 or less health.
  • Guerrilla Warfare: Simone ignores terrain attack penalties
  • Movement: 6

How can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all?

SOCR Since: Apr, 2009 Relationship Status: Get out of here, STALKER

#21: Jun 20th 2011 at 1:40:44 AM

Basically the two 'standard' abilities, Flight and Admiralty, are the absolute maximum of how powerful a Utility should be. Admiralty is also the only Utility which is allowed to directly apply bonuses, and the only one with limitations. Both of these Utilities are only valid for specific characters (Pilots and naval officers, of course)

  • Flight: Movement ignores terrain penalty
  • Admiralty: Treats Water as Clear terrain. +1 to attacks from Water, and -1 to enemy attacks while you occupy Water.
    • Cannot be applied to characters with a speed higher than 6

edited 20th Jun '11 1:43:29 AM by SOCR

How can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all?

SOCR Since: Apr, 2009 Relationship Status: Get out of here, STALKER

#22: Jun 20th 2011 at 1:46:07 AM

Triple post, new record!

Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

At a Glance:

  • Age: 16
  • Rough Height: 5'6"
  • Build: Average
  • Gender: Female
  • Hair and Eye Color: Blond, Blue
  • Distinguishing features: Fox ears and tail. Golden inverted Y fasteners

General Description:

Erin is of average weight, average height, average dimensions... she would be very easy to lose in a crowd. That is, she would be if not for a few very unique features. The most apparent would be her unusual ears, and immediately following that her tail. They carry on them cream-colored fur comparable to her shoulder-length long hair, all of these features immaculately groomed and her hair usually drawn up tight in a bun or close ponytail. Her unique anatomy shows no greater or lessened sensitivity.

Clothing or Armor:

Erin is not a particularly flashy individual, choosing to wear her uniform plain and proud, or if outside it, casual clothing that does not attract a lot of attention. The only flourish is that any button or clasp she wears takes the form of an inverted, golden Y. No matter what she wears she makes sure it is neat, tidy, and free of wrinkles; though she does not stand out in fashion taste she makes sure she stands out in presentation. She could be most commonly seen in dark greens, though lighter colors like off-white or beige would not be uncommon.

Her desert-beige armor is much more distinctive. In combat Erin wears a heavy chestpiece that covers the entirety of her torso, connected to what could be called- in the roughest approximation- a skirt, made of large segmented armor pieces. Bulky boots are connected to tracked rollerblades, and heavy gauntlets carry a large anti-material rifle that can fire just about anything Erin wants it to, from laser blasts to huge canister rounds to stuffed animals. She wears a helmet with a visor that completely obscures her eyes but for a small viewing slit, though the helmet has cut-out holes for her ears. On the front of the helmet is a large yellow inverted Y symbol.

Intimate Knowledge


Erin Rommel is certainly not a soldier. Such is immediately apparent when you first meet her. She is a very shy girl, sticking close to the familiar and known. In fact, if it weren't for the familiar and known, Erin would feel completely lost. 'Lost', in fact, is the best way to describe her behavior. She clings to the few things she can recignize and associate with, and counts on them to get her through everything.

Everything about her is passive, almost submissive. Her respect for authority extends all the way into silence unless spoken to. It takes very precise circ*mstance for her to blame anyone other than herself for something. She leans on her friends for direction when something dire strikes, because she is so used to thinking things through before coming to a result she can be very indecisive. Almost anything can make her nervous or put her on edge.

In combat, it's like an unused part of her brain activates. The Rommel she inherited seems only to appear here. The only thing that saves her from battlefield lockout is Erwin Rommel's traditional fast-thinking and quick-decisions, less making complex strategic plans and more hurriedly yet decisively reacting to unfolding events, while constantly updating a mental tactical picture of the conflict. This only seems to turn on when her life or the lives of her friends is on the line. After combat, after the adrenaline wears off, Erin returns to being a terribly frightened girl in disbelief at her own split-second abilities.


Her militaristic, precise mannerisms made her a very good candidate for West Point's Magical Girl school, though she was born half a world away in southern Germany. Knowing this (And knowing she had the latent magical ability; certain physical features of hers aren't exactly common fare amongst people), her parents wished it from the start; pressuring her into going even though she was interested in more technical, engineering-related pursuits.

She proved herself well at West Point, learning the material rote and even suggesting adjustments. The setting only further steeled her polite distance, perhaps she's in need of a couple friends or a good time to really draw her out...

Her desire to wear plain, mostly unornamented or showy clothing is because of the inordinate amount of attention certain physiological facets always draws to her. It's her hope that the two somehow balance out.


  • Weapon Class: Field Gun
  • Blitzkrieg: +1 to attacks against enemies that attacked a target other than Erin Rommel last turn
  • 7th Panzer Ghost: -1 to enemy attacks if Erin Rommel passed action last turn
  • Desert Fox: Erin Rommel treats Sand as Clear terrain.
  • Movement: 7

edited 28th Jun '11 11:46:19 PM by SOCR

How can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all?

GeekCodeRed Did you know this section has a character limit? from A, A, B, B, A Since: Sep, 2010 Relationship Status: TV Tropes ruined my love life

Did you know this section has a character limit?

#23: Jun 20th 2011 at 3:12:07 AM

Sign-Up Sheet
-Name: Michelle Collins
-General's Name: Michael Collins
-Age: 16
-Appearance: Brown Hair (Cut short), Blue Eyes, Well built, average height.
Personality: Intelligent, with penchant for Economics as well as tactics. Fiercely loyal to her friends and her country. Has a fiery temper, but most of the time is quiet girl. Doesn't like getting her photo taken. Loves pranking people, especially the enemy.
-History: The youngest of eight, Michelle was the third daughter of her family. Her father was a farmer, and the seventh son of a seventh son. Her father died when she was six, who on his deathbed predicted that her brother would become a priest, which he has, and that she was destined for great things. She then decided to go to Westpoint, suspecting she had the talents to go there. She passed the test.
-Clothing or Armor: A plain brown dress that goes down to her knees, brown trousers and a pair of boots.
-Soloheadbeg: +1 to attacks against enemies that attacked a target other than Michelle Collins last turn.
-Chain Mail: Attacks against Michelle Collins while Michelle Collins is Fortified incur an additional -1, for a total of -3.
-Oireland: Treats Forest as Clear terrain.
-Movement: 6
-Weapon class: Small arms. A pistol.

edited 20th Jun '11 3:44:15 AM by GeekCodeRed

They do have medals for almost, and they're called silver!

SOCR Since: Apr, 2009 Relationship Status: Get out of here, STALKER

#24: Jun 20th 2011 at 3:27:56 AM

Not going into official, because I should have been asleep an hour ago, but basically GCR you're looking at Rommel's Offensive, Jackson's Defensive, and your Utility would be 'Treats Forest as Clear terrain'.

Of course you get to keep the names, because the names are always changed to keep the flavor, but there you go lol

Movement would indeed be 6.

I would like to point out that Jackson and Collins would be all but invincible while Fortified; they get -3s when a -4 renders all attacks ineffective barring enemy bonuses stacking on top of a roll of 6. The tradeoff for this is that Fortification is a rare land tile. Should prove interesting when we see it in combat.

edited 20th Jun '11 3:32:21 AM by SOCR

How can you be in two places at once when you're not anywhere at all?

GeekCodeRed Did you know this section has a character limit? from A, A, B, B, A Since: Sep, 2010 Relationship Status: TV Tropes ruined my love life

Did you know this section has a character limit?

#25: Jun 20th 2011 at 3:32:53 AM

Changed Surprise! to a better name.

edited 20th Jun '11 3:45:04 AM by GeekCodeRed

They do have medals for almost, and they're called silver!


Total posts: 220

Magical Girl no Civil War Sign-up (2024)
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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.