Tdap Vaccine Family Woes - July 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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FTM here! After my OB’s recommendation and lots of research I want the first visitors to have their TDap vaccine up to date. We’re only having my and my husbands immediate family see the baby initially until she’s vaccinated and sage herself. My in laws are so understanding and willing to get vaccinated, however my own family is giving pushback.

Does anyone have any tips on how to handle or convince my family to get it? I really don’t want to have them excluded once the baby is born but my baby’s safety is not something I’m willing to compromise on.

Any tips/ advice greatly appreciated!

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For verified information about vaccines, visit our vaccine resources page.


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I don’t think there is a way to make or convince them to get it. It’s their choice but you also get the choice to not have them over.

So your options would be to tell them this is what your ob recommends and you would like to follow that advice and if they aren’t willing to do it then they will need to wait.


You let them come and maybe have them masks, sanitize etc and add extra precautions.

But ultimately it’s their choice and their decision about what they put in their body and it’s your decision as well on who you want around your newborn. ��

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If you get the vaccination while pregnant, that offers the best possible protection for baby until they are able to receive the vaccine themselves at 2 months old.

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I’m in CA and my OB recommended it for visitors. On my husbands side of the family, there have been newborns that were in the icu due to whooping cough so we’re learning from those situations to make the safest environment for our little rainbow baby. ✨

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Easy for us! We messaged our fam and said everyone who wants to see baby before their 2month old whooping cough vax (TDAP essentially) would be required to get themselves (adult) vaxed for it (within 5 years). Meaning if they got their booster within the last 5 yrs they were good if not they needed to reboost. I got some funny responses but everyone got it. The research was about the whooping cough how there is little to know resistance over a longer period (the 10 years) so it was better to reboost early to protect against pertussis which is the deadly cough for babies especially the young ones.

You make your boundary and they choose to be in or out of it. Especially with a first baby you feel the need to negotiate with others and in the end it’s your baby!! So say it proud and leave the choice to them!

This also includes kisses! Herpies is a serious concern for little ones so I’d add that to the no no list too.

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You tell your family they have the option of wearing a mask the entire time they visit until baby gets their 8 week shots if they prefer that instead.

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Can they just take extra precautions and mask/sanitize?? At the end of the day you’re the parent so whatever you decide is what people should abide by. But at the same time as adults we can make our own decisions so !

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the problem is they also refuse to mask and now they’re saying they’re going to see the baby no matter what so I don’t know how to reason with them

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wow if they won’t mask that’s completely wrong. At the end of the day it’s YOUR child so if they don’t want a relationship then that is on them not you. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this

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lock the doors lol but for real they can’t just come to your house unwelcome

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I was told, the people you spend the most time around while pregnant, the baby is usually already immune to. I see my family and in laws on a weekly basis. We just had 4 new babies born in the last year and a half between both sides of our family so everyone seems to understand boundaries already but I don’t re call anyone asking about vaccinations. You are the parent & it’s your decision, how you want to keep baby safe. I would say, a short and simple statement with no room for rebuttals would be helpful. “Let me know if you were able to get your vaccine! If not, I’ll let you know when her shots are all done, so you can see her”.

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If I was someone in your family, I would just respectfully let you know that I wouldn't be getting a vaccine and just to let me know when I can come see baby. I have personal and medical reasons behind my choice, just as you do yours. I think both sides can be respectful of each other.

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My situation is the reverse. My family (parents and siblings) have already gotten the TDAP shots as they were also recommended by my OB that those who want to be close and touching the baby should get them outside of me and my husband. For those from my hubby’s family who are against it, we just told them to refrain from visiting until the baby is at least 2 months old. It’s your baby and people should respect whatever you feel the most safe and comfortable

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This is one of those tricky things - you can't make anyone else get vaccinated (unfortunately, everything aroudn the COVID vaccine made that so clear). So you have to focus on what you can control, which is the level of risk you expose baby to. It sounds like exposure to unvaccinated individuals is a level of risk you are not comfortable with, so I'd just communicate that to your family now clearly and unwaveringly. I'd let them know first, that you understand it is their decision alone to choose whether or not to get vaccinated and that you respect that, but that similarly it is your decision and responsibility alone to make decisions for the safety of your baby. So no vaccine = no visits until baby is vaccinated. You can let them know you don't want to exclude them, but you understand that sometimes as a parent you will have to make decisions you don't necessarily like in the best interests of your child.

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I would never ask that of my family but I also don’t get any vaccines while pregnant. I just make the rule of if you don’t feel good please don’t come. It will also be a summer baby!

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