The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)

5I0NDAY MORNING. 2os ngclccsslmcs JULY 24, 1939. PART I. JJ WEATHER REPORT YOUR kP- TODAY Lfi Fl ED DEATHS Wllh Funeral Announcements. BACON.

Carrie D. Bacon. July 50. at her home, 622 East Hermos Drive. San CabrleL a resident of Los Angeles and San Oabriel for the Past 52 years, loving sister of Miss Laura G.

Bacon. Miss Earah B. Bacon and Howard Bacon of San Gabriel and Dr. H. P.

Bacon of Lacuna Beach, active member of the Third Presbyterian Church of Los Angeles. FHJ IFV9 S6 t5PJ mt 10! KEB IVOE Hughes' Famed Racing Plane Bought by Aircraft Builders Los Angeles Factory Also Acquires Rights to Plans and Engineering Data cn Flights mil itt Tts'iiJscTlrArT lllllliiulilllllllllllll iKfSU I KVPC KIEV llttiflllillllllllll 6C3 700 603 eoo looa noa coo ocj WORLD LEADER IN CLASSIFIED Pfaooe MAdisoa'2345 This Index comprises the meet bnpcrUnt classification. All elassiflcatiens are numbered end appear in numerical erder. ZTie information contained in the following schedule is furnished by the stations broadcasting the programs. ciation and -Caltech engineers, who assisted in designing the plane.

Hughes established a world's speed record of 352.38 m.p.h. At one time on his trials he sped 355 m.p.h, SPANS UA in Vt HOURS In January of the next year Hughes, carrying 1680 pound3 of gasoline and oxygen equipment, climbed to 20,000 feet and rocket ed over a 2190-mile transcontinental route in less than Vk hours. His average time was 332 m.p.h.; his top speed once during the trip was 370 m.p.h. R. A.

Powell, vice-president and general manager of the Timm could not be reached for a statement concerning the future of the ship. Before 8 a.m. KMTR Calif. Theatfrr, 5. JiKl -Ccru Get Lo." 7: News, 7:15: -Life Begins Today," Wife Savers, 7:45.

KMPC Get Going, Volney James, i nr. KEHE Musical Clock. 6 to 8. KH.I Rise, Shine, News. 7:45.

KFWB Stu Wilson. 8. 2 hrs. KFVD Spanish, Jubilee, 7:15. KXX Salute, Happened in Holly wood, News.

Talk, 7:45. KRKD Doug Douglas. Doug Doug las, ivews, KG Concert, News, Choral Sports, Rhythm, 7:45. KFOX El Despertador, News, Musical, KFAC Religion, Pastor Reynolds, 7 Music. 7:30: News.

7:45. KG Farm, Musical Interlude, Maurice Johnson, Aubrey Lee, KECA Ensemble, Financial, News, 7:45. KVOE Yawn Patrol. News, 7:45. 8 to 9 a.m.

KMTK Theater. 8: Music. 8:30. KFI On Job, O'Neills, Op tometrist, News. KMPC News, 8: Unity Word.

8:30. KEHE Hour Headlines. 8: Music. 8:30. JkH.1 Sons Pioneers, Haven of Rest, irio, It Church, Voice Friendship.

8:30. KFVD Jubilee (cont;) Medical, 8:45. KXX Nancy Dixon, Nancy James, neien Trent, uai aunaay, 8:45. KKK1) Goodwill Chapel, Employment, 8:30. KFOX Music, Health, Music, 8:30.

FA House McGregor, KGEK Rtifus Goofus, Mizpah, Music, 8:45. KECA Church, Kidoodlers, Farm, Home, 8:30. KVOK Sons Pioneers, Rest Haven, irio, 9 to 10 a.m. KMTK Music. 9.

KF1 Bridge Club. Virginia Lane, Dr. Kate, 9:45. KMPC Tunes, Organ, 9:30: KEHE Earl Edition. Medical, Tempos.

Pauline Holden, 9:45. KHJ Jean Abby, Garden Club, Montana Meechy, T. C. Sawyer, KFWB Music, 9. KFVH Music, News, Medical.

Music, 9:45. KXX Goldbergs, Life Can Be Beautiful. 9:15: Road of Life. Julia Blake. 9:45.

KKKD Records, Govt. Weather Bureau, Records, 9:40. KFOX Music, Talk, Music, 9:30, News, 9:45. KFAC Inspirations, Medical, Women in News, Time, 9:45. KECA Agriculture.

Peables Takes Charge, Playground, 9:45. KVOE Happv Gang, Garden. Monitor News, Alvino Rey, 9:45. JO to 11 a.m. KMTR Woman's World, 10; Music, 10:30.

KFI Betty, Bob, 10; Grimm Daughter, Valiant Lady, Hymns, 10:45. KMPC News. 10; Dance, 10:30. KEHE Ed Brackett, 10; Sylvia Grey, 10:30. KH.I Norma Young, 10; Music, Music, 10:45.

KFWB News, 10; Medical, Music. Uncle Jimmv, 10:45. KFVD Music, 10; Medical, Union Mission, 10:30. KXX Big Sister, 10: Aunt Jenny, "Mr. Hamp Goes to Town," "When Girl Marries," 10:45.

J5RKI) Music, 10, 1 hr. KG KJ News, 10; Hawaiian, Mel-odv. City Dwellers, 10:45. KFOX Word to Wives, 10; Health. Vic, Sade.

Mildred Van, 1 10:45. KFAC Music, 10; Gothic Towers, 10:45. KGEIt Ann Gilchrist, 10; Music. Organ, 10:45. KECA Reading, 10; Melody, 10:30.

KVOF, 10; T. Sawyer, Strings, 10:30. ill a.m. to 12 Noon KMTR Monitor News, 11: Salvation Army, Music, News, 11:45. KFI Mary Marlln, 11; Ma Perkins, Young Family, Guid-ln Lleht, 11:45.

KMPC 11; Bible Missionary, 11:30. KEHE Puzzle Club, 11; Bldg. Talk, 11:30. KHJ Marriage License. 11; Ed Al-nricrht, Ensemble.

11:45. KFWB Bridge 11; Music, Talk, 11:30. KFVD News, 11; Music, News, 11:45. KXX Talk. 11; Dream Dealer, Singing Sam, 11:45.

KRKD Paddock Flashes, 11; News, Solitude, 11:45. KGFJ News, 11; Medical, Rhvthm, 11:30. KFOX Variety, 11; Dance, 11:45. KFAC Man on 11: Home Beautiful. Music, 11:45.

KGER News, 11; Your Home, Music, 11:45. KECA Band, 11; Know Child, Bookends, 11:45. KVOE Marriage Romance. 11; Concert, Mel, Jane, 11:30. ,12 to 1 p.m.

KMTR Al Jarvls, 12, 1 hr. KFI Backstage Wife, 12; Stella Dallas, Vic, Sade, Midstream, 12:45. KMPC Music, 12; News, Music, 12:45. KEHE Hour Headlines, 12; Medical Music, Science Silhouettes, 12:45. KH.I News, 12; Songs, Barrle 12:45.

KFWB News, 12; Handiklnks, Malor Bateson, 12:45. KFVD Air Editor, 12; Music, Political, 12:45. KXX Kitty Kelly, 12: Myrt. Marge, Hilltop House, Stepmother, 12:45. KRKD Music, 12; Saddle Pals, 12:30.

KFOX Music, 12; Major Bateson, 12:45. KFAC Music, 12; Music, 12:15. KGER Music, 12; Reporter, Essie Locey, 12:35. KECA Matinee, 12; Agriculture, 12:45. KVOE News.

12; Wayne, Dick, Stocks, 12:45. ,1 to 2 p.m. KMTR Dick Ross, Markets, 1:15 Political. 1:30. KFI Kitty Keene, Houseboat Hannah.

1:15: Back Fence Gossip, AKiies wnite, KMPC Major League Baseball, 1. RUSH HUNKS' fyiujittaf LMGEND0BF PICTORIAL lively interesting fascinating colorful talking pictures m0 i 1 talking pictures yr 1 OFFICIAL LOCAL OFFICE, V. 8. WEATHER BU REAU, Lo Anieles. July 23.

(Reported by H. iainsriieia. meteoroiosisi. i ai a o'clock a.m. the barometer registered 29.93: it 5 P.m., 29.85 Thermometer tor the hours showed 66 art.

and 77 dea Relative humidity, 5 a.m.. 82 per 5 p.m.. 57 per cent. Wind. 5 a southeast, Telocity.

3 miles: 5 p.m., southwest, velocity. 8 miles. Temperatures, hishest, 80 lowest. 64 An. Raintall for season.

T. normal to date, .01 Inch; last season to date, men. LOCAL FORECAST For Los Angeles and vicinity: Generally fair Monday and Tuesday with mornins foss; scattered afternoon thunderstorms over mountains; little change in tempera ture; moderate northwest wind on coast. STATE FORECAST SAN FRANCISCO, July 23. Weather forecast: Fair Monday and Tuesday but overcast night and morning; normal temperature mnHorit west wind.

Northern California: Fair Monday and Tuesday but fog on coast: high temperature Interior; moderate northwest wind off coast. Sierra Nevada: Generally fair Monday and Tuesday with local afternoon tnunaer-storms over high southern ranges; continued warm: gentle variable wind. Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys: Fair Monday and Tuesday; high temperature: variable wind. Santa Clara Valley: Fair Monday and Tuesday with local morning fogs; moder ately warm; northwest wmd. Salinas Valley: Fair Monday and Tuesday with morning fog in north portion; normal temperature; northwest wind.

Southern California: Generally fair Monday and Tuesday but scattered afternoon thunderstorms over mountains and morning fogs on coast: no change in temperature; moderate northwest wind off coast. ARIZONA FORECAST PHOENIX (Aril.) July 23. Forecast for Arizona: Partly cloudy Monday and Tuesday: unsettled in afternoon; little change in temperature. TEMPERATURES AND PRECIPITATION Preclpl- Statlona High Low tation Abilene 98 '1 AmarUlo 96 61 Atlanta 88 69 Bismarck 97 52 Boise 97 54 Boston 77 58 Buffalo 84 64 Calgary 77 52 Charleston 83 67 Charlotte 6 Chicago 86 67 Cincinnati 90 65 Cleveland 88 66 Dallas 104 79 Denver 94 55 Des Moines 90 83 Detroit 82 68 Dodge City 88 65 T. Duluth 2s 8i Edmonton 77 57 El Paso 95 72 Eureka 60 Flagstaff 84 53 Fresno ...108 r4 Galveston 88 75 Grand Junction 95 63 Hatteras 78 70 Havre 88 58 Helena 84 64 Huron 87 60 Independence 98 72 T.

Indianapolis 87 68 Jacksonville 91 73 Juneau 58 53 Kalispell 83 59 T. Kamloops 89 61 Kansas City 87 71 T. Ketchikan 60 S4 Knoxville 95 70 Lander 84 52 Little Rock 93 76 .03 Los Angeles 80 64 Memphis 87 77 .46 Miami 88 78 Miles City 94 60 Mlnneapolls-St. Paul ..91 61 Modena 97 59 T. Needles 107 80 New Orleans 89 74 New York 73 58 North Head 59 53 North Platte 92 55 Oklahoma City 94 68 Omaha 88 63 Pensacola 84 78 Philadelphia 71 60 Phoenix 106 82 Pittsburgh 84 62 T.

Pocatello 94 51 Portland 95 66 Pueblo 92 58 Rapid City 95 62 Redding 105 77 Reno 98 53 Roseburg 98 61 Roswell 93 69 8acramento 98 62 St. Louis 81 70 .11 Salt Lake City 98 56 San Antonio 98 72 San Dieo 76 64 San Francisco 65 54 Santa 80 55 Seattle 9 51 Spokane 95 58 Springfield. Mo. 88 68 T. Swift Current 78 58 Tamp 92 75 Tatoosh Island 87 53 Tonopah 94 73 Vlcksburg 92 78 Walla Walls 96 68 Washington 84 65 Wichita ....90 69 .07 Williston 84 80 Winnemucc 100 5(1 Winnipeg 82 ho Yellowstone Park 78 47 Yuma 108 78 Ai of a.m.

All others ss of i p.m. VITAL RECORD DEATHS With Funeral Announcements. Thou Lord hist helped mt and comforted me. Psalm Ixxxi 17. AICH.

Services for Joseph Alch at the chapel of Bresee Brothers 4c Olllette Monday 1:30 P.m. ARNOLD. Service! for William E. Arnold today 2 p.m at Edwards Brothers. ATWELL.

The funeral services of William Atwell will be held today at 1 p.m. from the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. KGER Hovo 8:05.

KECA Traffic Tribunal, Concert, 8:30. KVOE Camera Club, 8:30. 9 to 10 p.m.1 KMTK VnvA Vichts. 9:30. KFI Hawthorn House.

9: "This Is Mv Slant," Tomlin 9:45. KMPC Swing, Waltz, 9:30. KEHE Kalie Orch, Osborne Bush 9:30. KHJ Air Newspaper, Fulton Lewis, Fu Manchu, Arthur 9:45. KFWB Bowling, Sam Hayes, Maurice Zam, 9:45.

KXX Calling All Cars, Hoosler Hot Shots, Camera Club, 9:45. KGFJ Shopper, Dance, 9:30. KSfJ Tnnsprvatorv. 9:30. KFOX Walsh ft-15- Music.

KFAC Musical, Talk, 9: KGER Spanish American Talk, Music, 9:45. KECA Parade. Shelley Know Schools, 9:45. KVOF News, Orch, House McGregor, 9:45. 10 to 11 p.m.

KMTR Boxing, 10; Hooper KFI News, 10; Ho Hum, Goodman Orch, 10:30. KM PC Music, 10. KEHE Music, 10. KH.I Devil Scrapbook, 10; Van Orch, 10:30. KNX Tito Guizar, 10; Nightcap Yarns, weems uren, ITPMr2Amatiiir Hour.

10. KG F.I Jewish Internat. Hour. 10. 1 nr.

KFOX Orch, 10; Henry Orch, Hamilton Orch, 10:30. KGER News, 10; Memory Lane, i.eo. stranKe, KFAC Revue. 10, 1 hr. ,7 I 4 1 1 tlf KVOF Devil Scrapbook, 10; Van orcn, 11 to 12 Midnight KMTR Meiodv Lane.

11. 1 hr. KFI T. Harris Orch, 11; Silhouettes, KMPC Tom Toms, 11. KEHE Music.

11. KH.I Pendarvls 11; Myers orcn, KFWB Symphony, 11; Music, 11:30, KFVD Jack. Belfbov. 11 to 4 a.m. KXX News.

11; Osborne Orch, Bieyer orcn, 11:30. KFS i Players, 11; Prelude, 11:30. KFOX Orch, 11; News, Or- pan, 11:45. KFAC Revue. 11.

1 hr. KGEIt Moore Orch, Turntable Junes, ITErA Oriran. 11. 1 hr. KVOF Pendarvls Orch, Ml; Ohman orcn, 11:30.

After Midnight KMTR News, 12. KMPC SwiliR Club. 12. Kill Rhapsody in Wax, 12. KXX Dances.

12, 1 hr. KGFJ Nite Owl toi, 6 a.m. KRKD Muslcland Revue to a.m. KFAC Mel La Mon to a.m. aker So.

News, illdiliiliiiii! wa ISM KEHE 1 o'clock Club, 1: Popular, Hank Weaver, Eddie Brackett, 1:45. KHJ F.H.A.. Norvo 1:30. KFWB G. Allison, Interlude, Music, 1:45.

KFVD News, Radio Poets, 1:30. KX ScatterRood Baines. 1: Dr. Susan. 1:15: Girl Interne, David Harum.

1:45. KKk IK Music, 1: Civic, Music, News. 1:50. KFOX Henry Orch, Music, O'Neills. 1:45.

KFAC Religious Sci, U.S.C. Book. Music, 1:30: Organ, 1:45. KG: Officials on Parade, Songs, KECA Markets, News. Trio, 1:45.

KVOE F.H.A, OrclL, Music, 1:45. 2 to 3 p.m. KMTK Stocks. Seein' Things, Singing 2:30. KFI Young Dr.

Alalone, "I Love a Mystery," Woman's Magazine, Meet Miss Julia, 2:45. KMPC Baseball, 2: Parade, Rhythm. Light 2:45. KEHE Show, Paula Powell, Tunes, 2:30. KHJ Play Bridge, Johnson Family, News, Manhattan Mother, 2:45.

KFWB Medical, Music, 2:15. KFVD Hawaiian, Woody Guitar, Medical, 2:45. KXX News, Catalina Quiz, Light Songs, 2:45. Klikl) 4 Cocoanutf, Henry Music, 2:30. KG Civic.

KFOX Christian Science, Guiding Light, Music, 2:30. KFAC American Legion Auxiliary, Good Cheer, Woman's Clubs, 2:30. KGEK Geo. Strange. Music, Meiodv, 2:30.

KECA Science, Hollywood Bowl, Classics. 2:30. KVOE Play Bridge, 2: Johnson Family, 2:15: News, Manhattan Mother. 2:45. 3 to 4 p.m.

KMTR Billy Richman, Memories, Music. 3:45. KFI Maurice Chas. Dillon, uusii jtiugnes, aidu; career Alice Blair. 3:45.

KMPC News. Song, Daley Almanac, 3:30. KEH Hour Headlines, Dansant, sports, salvation Army, 3:45. KHJ Feminine Fancies. Songs, Community Hall, 3:45.

KFWB Clover Kerr, Music, 3:15. KFVD News, Hot Wax, Novel- tv, 3:45. KXX Fletrhpr Wiley, Salute, science Aovemures, KKKD Music. 3: U.S.C. Talk.

3:30. KG F.I Concert, 3:30. KFOX Theater, Mary Marlin, Tempos, KFAC Concert. 3. 1 hr.

KGEK Travel. Munfc. Band. KECA Classics. 3: Science.

3:45. KVOE Feminine Fancies, Songs, awing, 4 to 5 p.m. KMTR Religions. Music, Vol-ney James.

4:45. KFI News, Baker Notebook, Virginia Flohri, 4:45. KMPC Rev. Don Milltgan. Ralph Grayson, Tuneful Two, 4:45.

KEHF Star Songs, Sports, Variety, 4:45. KH.I Brigode Orch, 4:30. KFWB Music. Piano. 4:45.

KFVD Tea Time, March Movie Land. Music. 4:45. KXX Accent on Music. News, Johnny Murray, 4:45.

KRKD Music, News, Venna Taylor. 4:30. KFOX Ma Perkins, Young Family, Music, 4:30. KFAC Vernon Steele, S.M. Jr.

leee, Farm, 4:45. KGER News, Voice of Village, Monitor News, Partv. 4:45. KECA I'nclasslc Hour, Magic Key, 4:30. KVOE Orch, 4:30.

5 to 6 p.m. KMTK Volney James, Music, Eventide Melodies. 5:45. KFUjTempo, Heitlt Music Knights, KMPC Tunes, Whispering Jack KEHE Lucky Stars. 5.

KHJ News, Shafter Parker, Buck Rogers, Phantom Pilot, 5:45. KFWB Music, Talk It Over, Gavlord Carter, 5:45. KFVD News, Music, Clem, neet, 5:43. KXX Man About Hollywood, Lom-bardo 5:30. KFOX News, i concert, Kace Kesults, KG FJ Race Results, 5:45.

KFAC Music, 5: Hollywood Bowl 5:15: Whoa Bill. 5:30. KGER News Commentator, Estrada 5:05. KECA Magic Key, Al Gayle, News. 5:45.

KVOE Music, Shafter Parker, muck Kogei's, rnaniom mot, 5:45. 6 to 7 p.m. KMTR Melodies, Political, 6:15 Po- micai, KMPC Bull, Eight Ball, Music. 6:30. KFI Contented 6: 6:30.

KEHE Stuart Hamblen, Blue Room, Hugh Doddridge, Science Silhouettes, 6:45. KH.I Speed Gibson. 6: Detective O'Malley. Meiodv. 6:30.

KFWB News, Bert Flske, Vacation. 6:30: Uncle Jimmv. 6:45. KFVD County Charity Employees, Talk. 6:15.

KXX "So This is Radio," "Blondie." 6:30. KRKD Music, Financial Music, 6:30. KG FJ Italian Melody. Gold Hour, 6:30. KFOX News, Dance, Swing, KFAC News, Mike Frankovlch, music, Monitor News, 6:45.

KGER News. Political, Italian Journal. 6:30. KECA True or False, Gordon 6:30. KVOF Hoaglund Detective Mauey, weioay, 6:30.

7 to 8 p.m. KMTR Samuel Converse, Music, News, 7:45. KFI Waring Adventures Q13. Concert, 7:30. KEHE Dance, Strollin' Tom, Dark Room, 7:30.

KHJ Melody, Capt. Heme, Lone Ranger, 7:30. KFWB Music, Swing, 7:30. KXX Amos, Andy, Sam Hayes, Howard Shelton, 7:30. KFSG Dr.

Corbin, 7:45. KKKD News, Orch, Traffic School, 7:30. KFOX Concert, StroUin' Tom, P. E. Gardner, 7:30.

KFAC Jihimie Allen, Music, Mrs. Ballard, L.A. City College, KGER Jewish Int'l, 7:05. KECA Frank, Archie, Miller Moving World, 7:45. KVOE Melody, Drama, Lone Ranger 7:30.

8 to 9 p.m. KMTR Music, 8. KFI Art Baker. Tucker Orch, Al Pearce, 8:30. KMPC House Happiness, News, 8:45.

KEHF Hour Headlines, Dance, Little Counsellor, Bleyer 8:45. Kil Golden 8, 1 hr. KFWB Rambler, Phone Quiz, 8:30, KXX Ooodman John B. HiiKhes. 8:30: Weems Orch, 8:45.

KGFJ News, Auction, Italian Program, 8:45. KFOX Rhythms, Music. Literature Parade, 8:45. KFAC L. A.

Playground, County Review. 8:45. JICLLJANT8. ROACHES, BLACK WIDOW SMDltf Amtrlcin Mothproof C. 1174 t.

I Brto PArki 1415 L. A. AM. It) 'J II mi. eta.

Funeral services p.m. today at the Du Bois Funeral Home, 116 North San Gabriel Boulevard. San Gabriel. Interment Rosedale Cemetery. BAKER.

8enricea for Mrs. Laura I. Baker today 3 p.m. at Edwards Brothers. BAtJMGART.

Services for Edna Baumgart. beloved sister of Arthur M. Baumgart and Mrs. Gertrude Gang of New York City, will be held today 1:30 m. at Glasband 901 West Washington Boulevard.

Services private. (New York papers. please copy.) BOCK, V. H. Pierce Brothers, directors.

BUTTERFIELD. Daniel J. Butterfield. well known among stationers In Los Angeles for the past 30 years. Services at 2:30 p.m.

In the Wee Kirk o1 the Heather. Forest Lawn Mortuary in charge. CALDERO. Catherine. Pierce Brothers, directors.

CASEY. July 21, Florence P. Casey, loving father of Maurice L. Casey; brother-in-law of Mrs. James Maloney.

Rosary this evening 8 o'clock at the chapel of Cunningham O'Connor, 1031 South Grand avenue. R-quiem Mass Tuesday. 9 a.m.. at St. Paul a Church.

Interment Calvary. CLARK. Requiem mass for Edith C. Clark 9 a.m. today at St.

Victor's Church. 863 Hollow ay. West Hollywood. Pierce Brothers, directors. CLARK.

Mrs. Ida A. Clark. Remains at the chapel of W. A.

Brown, 1815 South Flower street. CONKLIN. The funeral services of Maurice G. Conklin will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the chapel of W.

A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. CONTRERA3. Services for Mrs. Carrie Contrcras today 11 a.m.

at Edwards Brothers. CRAWE. Service for Robert Milton Tuesday 2 P.m. at Armstrong Family. DI GHILINI.

At 201 Peck Drive, Beverly Hills. Dr L. F. Elston dl Ghilinl, beloved husband of Mrs. Fanny A.

Compton dl Ghilinl and loved father of Dr. U. Dr. A. E.

and Dr. L. E. dl Ghilinl of Beverly Hills; grand-lather of Mr. and Mrj.

Leo Petroff of Los Angeles. Private services will be held today from his late home. Rev. William W. Fleetwood, officiating.

B. E. Dayton, directors. Please omit flowers. (Miami, Fla, papers please copy.) DOUGHERTY.

Michael J. Dougherty. Requiem niasi today 9 a.m. at St. Vincent's Church.

Wallace E. White Ac Howard J. Cajlanan, EGAN. Rosary for James C. Egan this evening a diiw.

a. visiters. Mass Tuesday 9 a.m. at St. Brig-id Church.

EYER. Services for Lewis B. Eyer at the chapel of Bresee Brothers Jt Gillette Tuesday 10 a.m. FALCH. Margarita C.

Falch. Mass 9 a.m. today at Sacred Heart Church. Alvares li Moore, directors. FRICK.

Mrs. Gertrude D. Frlck. Edwards Brothers' Colonial Mortuary. GAVIN.

Thomas C. Oavln. Requiem mass today 9 a.m. at St. Mary's Churcb.

Cunningham As O'Connor, directors. GREGORY. Marlon T. Gregory, beloved husband of Margaret Gregory, father of Lula Pickard and Eva G. Mann.

Services 2 p.m. Wednesday at Snyder's Southwest Mortuary. GDYSE. William Madison. Services 3 p.m.

Tuesday at Pierce Brothers. Interment BUllnii, Mont. HANLEY, Dr. John R. Hanley.

Requiem mass today 9 a.m. at Transfiguration Church, Cunningham At O'Connor, directors. HEISS. Charles F. Helss, loving father of Mrs.

C. K. Lark in. Private services today 9 a.m. at the Oathedral Chapel.

Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. Cunningham Ac O'Connor, directors. HESS. John Lee Hess. W.

A. Brown, funeral director. HOLT. Services for Harry Holt Tuesday 10 a.m. at Edwards Brothers.

HUDSON. J. Z. Hudson. Forest Lawn Mortuary In charge.

HYATT. The funeral services of William L. Hyatt will be held Tuesday at 10 a.m. from the chapel of A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street, INOHRAM.

Thomas M. Plerca Brothers, directors. JOHNSON. Harold father of George W. and Harold M.

Johnson. Services Wednesday 10:30 a.m., trtter-McKlnley's Mortuary. Broadway at 107. KOMPST. Arthur August Kompst.

Remains at the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. LA RUE. Amy Cecelia Le Rue, beloved wife of F.

A. LaRue. loving daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Magnuson of Arthur, la.

Rosary this evening 7:30 o'clock at the chapel of Cunningham Ac O'Connor, 1031 South Grand avenue. Funeral services Tuesday 11 a.m. at the chapel of Cunningham At O'Connor. LEPREUX. Vlctorlne Lepreux.

Forest Lawn Mortuary in charge. LINDGREN. Services for Charles F. 3:30 p.m. today at Armstrong Family.

LORIDAN. The funeral services of Florl- mond A. Loridan will be held Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. from the chapel of W. A.

Brown, South Flower street. MacGILLIVR A Y. Marie MacGllllvray. Armstrong Family In charge. MAGUIRE.

Charles J. Magulre. beloved husband of Janet Sully Magulre. Services Tuesday 3 P.m. at Edwards Brothers.

CONEY. Baby Elsie Doretta Mooney. Forest Lawn Mortuary in charge. PEARCE. Leora Pearce.

Forest Lawn Mortuary in charge. pjffrnT. July 22. John D. Pettit, loving father of James B.

and Marian Pettit; brother of Margaret E. Pettit, Requiem mass today 9 a.m. at the Blessed Sacrament Church. Cunningham At O'Connor, directors. RENE8FORD.

The funeral services of Robert G. Renesford will be held today at 2 p.m. from the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street.

RO DOERS. Lyda Bella Rodgers. mother of Belle R. Salisbury and Wanda Williams. Services today 10 a.m.

at Grace Chapel, Inglewood Cemetery. Snyder's Southwest Mortuary, directors. ROGERS. Mrs. Lena Rogers.

Services and Interment Englewood, Colo. Forest Lawn Mortuary In charge. SANSOM. Green L. Services and Interment Joplln, Mo.

Pierce Brothers, directors. SCHACHT. Anna Marie 8chaeht. loving mother of Mrs. Etta (Barney Klser of Los Angeles, Albert C.

and Arthur H. Schacht of Seattle, Wash. Services Tuesday 3:30 p.m. from Reed Tapley Ac Gelger, 721 West Washington. Please omit flowers.

SCHULZ, Services for Charles A. Schulz today 2 p.m. at Armstrong Family. SHIELDS. 8lmon Shields.

Edwards Brothers' Colonial Mortuary. SHYER. Mrs. Cele Shyer, wife of Nat Shyer, mother of Wesley and Her- bert Paul Shyer; daughter of Mrs. Besse Caine, sister of Leon Nathan and Charles Calne.

Services Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. In the Wee Kirk o' the Heather. Forest Lawn Mortuary In charge. STUMP. Lee H.

Services 11:30 a.m. Tuesday at Pierce Brothers. STOKES. William Watson, husband of Florence; Mason, Knights Templar, American Legion, Hollywood Post 43. Born, Anna.

111. 1 Funeral Veterans' Facility Chapel Tuesday 1 p.m. SUCKLE. Jacob Suckle, beloved husband of Dora Suckle, father of Irvin, Lou, Esther and Ann Suckle. Services today 11 a.m.

at the Home of Peace Mausoleum Chapel, Mallnow At Simons, directors. SWINDLE Oeorae Richard Swindle. Forest Lawn Mortuary in charge. TELFORD. Frank W.

Teltord. Edwards Brothers' Colonial Mortuary TOMSON. The funeral services of Mrs. Dora Tom son will be held today at 10 a.m. from the chapel of W.

A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. TUOHY. In this city. Mr.

Mary Tuohy. Services today 10 a.m. at chapel of Ivy H. Overholtier, Inc. WAITT.

Oeorge H. Pierce Brothers, directors. WALKER. Mrs. WlUye K.

Walker. Forest Lawn Mortuary in charge. WALLIS. The funeral services of Mrs. Frances Jordan Wallls will be held Tuesday at 3:30 P.m.

from the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. WELL6LAOER. Ralph Harmon Wellslsger, beloved husband of Louis Fischer Wrllslager.

Services Tuesday at 2 m. In the Little Church of tn nowers. WINDSOR. The funeral services of Charlra Windsor will be held today at 10:30 a.m. from the chapel of W.

A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. WRIGHT. July 23. Edward A.

Wright, husband of Maud A. Wright. Notice of funeral later by Bresee Brothers Gillette. Howard Hughes' slim racing plane, which carried him to a world's speed record of 352.38 m.p.h. in 1936 and to a transcontinental record of 7h.

28m. 20s. a year later, has been sold with manufacturing rights to a Los Angeles aircraft factory, it was disclosed yesterday. In a brief announcement from the millionaire flyer came news that the low-winged, cigar-shaped monoplane which two years ago was the fastest machine in the skies has been transferred to the Timm Aircraft Van Nuys. DATA TURNED OVER Along with the prototype craft go building rights, plans and all the intricate engineering data collected by Hughes on his record-shattering flights with the ship.

Such hops include his measured-course trips over Santa Ana in 1936 when, under the eyes of the National Aeronautic Asso- What's Doing TODAY Free permanent California exhibit, State Exposition Building, Exposition Park, open daily from 10 a.ra. to 5 p.m., except Wednesday, 2 io 5 p.m. All-Year Club's community visitors' bureau, sightseeing service, 505 W. Sixth 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Southwest Museum exhibit, Highland Park, 1 to 5 p.m., except Mondays. Griffith Park Observatory week days, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sundays and holidays, 2 to 11 p.m.; planetarium demonstrations, 3 and 8:30 p.m. every day.

Telescope free to public on clear nights from dark to 10:30 p.m. Municipal Art Commission exhibit, third and 25th floors, City Hall, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Engineers' Club luncheon, Biltmore Hotel, noon. Beverly Hills Rotary Club luncheon, Victor Hugo Cafe, noon.

Wilshire Kiwanis Club luncheon, Chapman Park Hotel, 12:15 p.m. Cornell Club luncheon, University Club. Federation of State Societies meeting. Supervisor John Anson Ford, speaker, subject, "Exploitation Funds," 618 S. Olive St, noon.

Los Angeles Museum exhibit, Exposition Park, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Sundays, 2 to 5 p.m. Philately Club meeting, 2404 W. Seventh 8 p.m. Public Library, recorded and radio music, lecture room, noon to 3 p.m., art exhibit, library gallery, noon to 4:30 p.m., Central Library.

DEATHS With Funeral Announcements. WRIGHT. The funeral services of Mrs. Ida Sitler Wright will be held today at 2:30 p.m. from tht chapel of W.

A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. WRIGHT. Joseph Wright. Cunningham it O'Connor, directors.

YEE. On. Services 3 p.m. today at Pierce Brothers. Forest Lawn Mortuary in charge.

FUNERAL NOTICE Los Angeles Lodge No. 42 F. A A. M. will assemble at the Little V1IU1WI v.

rivwc.a, Lawn Cemetery, at 1 p.m. Wednea. day, July 26, to conduct the funeral of our late brother. I. L.

Hollowell. LEO O. EPSTEIN, Master. FUNERAL DIRECTORS "The Largest Mortuary In the West" Such publio preference Must be deserved. PIERCE BROTHERS 720 West Washington.

FRespeet 4151. CUNNINGHAJI O'CONNOR More centrally located than any mortuary in Los Angeles. Convenient to friendg and relatives during business hours. Ample parking facilities. 1031 SOUTH GRAND AVE.

PR-02B1 GARRETT BROTHERS-ROBINSON Robert B. Garrett Banning C. Garrett Paul D. Robinson FR-2039 til VENICE BLVD. PR-1001 BRESEE BROTHERS GILLETTE tinder the personal supervision of M.


Forest Lawn Memorial-Park Inc. EDWARDS BROTHERS COLONIAL MORTUARY 1000 Venice Blvd. PRospect S281. RUPPE MORTUARY 1001 WEST WASHINGTON BLVD. PS-0118 W.

A. BROWN 1813 SOUTH FLOWER STREET. PR-2011 ARMSTRONG FAMILY 1201 South Hope street. RI-634S BRAMBLE FUNERAL HOME Reverent Christian service. Moderate price REED BROS.


"cemeteries INGLEWOOD PARK CEMETERY LARGEST IN CALIFORNIA Mausoleum Crematory Columbarium Telephone PLeasant 8144 MAUSOLEUMS Beautiful urn eg niche, Forest Lawn. Oieatly reduced. 1845 W. Gage Ave. FI-4610.

CEMETERY LOTS WANTED GRAVES CRYPT8 IN ALL Uocal cemeteries. 727 W. Washington. WILL PAY CASH for single grave. Calvary Cemetery.

Box D-214. Times. CRYPT. Owner sacrifice 'i price, excellent location. Box r-199.

Times, CLASSIFICATION NUMBER Aeentg Distributors 121 Airplanes. Aviation 400 Apartments lor Rent (Purn.l Apartments lor Rent Unlurn.J...261' Auction Sales Furniture 346 Automobiles 403-404-403 Automobile Auctions 415 Auto Service 406 Auto Tires. Parts. 407 Automobiles Wanted 405 Autos Trucks ior Hire 412 Beach. Mountain Resorts for Rent 278 Beach Property for Sale 211 Beauty Suggestions 18-19 Bel-Air Property for Sale 186-188 Beverly Hills Property for Sale 181-183 Bicycles, Motorcycles 402 Board and Room 254 Board for Children 255 Boats, Yachts and Motors 401 Books 68 Brentwood Property for Sale.

Buildings to Be Moved 375 Building Trades 88-90 Bungalow Courts for Rent (Furn.) 262 Bungalow Courts for Rent (TJnfurn.) 263 Business A Industrial Property .158 Business Opportunities 125 Business Opportunities Wanted. .127 Business Services 63 Cameras, Supplies, etc. 361 Clothing- A Furs 370-371 Coins Stamps 65 Country Property for Sale .206 Dancing Dancing Instruction IS Diamonds Jewelry 372-373 Dogs 305 Dressmakinr Milliners 103 Eastern A Northern Real 214 Electric Refrigerators. Ranges 342 Employment Aeencies Employment Offered Financing. 8tocks.

Bonds 128 Flats. Duplexes. Doubles for Rent (Furn.l 26S Flats Duplexes. Doubles for Rent (Unfurn.1 270 Furniture, Household Ooods. Furniture Wanted bv Dealers 350 Glendale Property for Sale Groves.

Oranges. Lemons 210 Hollywood Property for Sale. Hotel Rooms for Rent 251 Housekeeping Rooms 253 Houses in Los Angeles for Sale. 165 Houses Properties lo Cities Adjoining Los Angeles 195 Houses for Rent Furn. 275 Houses for Rent (Uniurn.) 276 Times Classified Adi Mere Ads LOST AND FOUND Lost and Found Service MAdison 2345 Station 412 Have you found a lost article or pet? Do you wish to locate the owner? Miss Elliott at The Times "Lost and Found" Department keeps an accurate and complete record of Lost and Found articles.

She will gladly check her files without charge or obligation to assist you in finding the rightful owner. For direct service, telephone MAdison 2345 Station 412 ANN0AL pass lost July 14. S.P. Co. Serl- ai a-jhboo issuea c.

E. wrignt. BRACELET wide silver mesh, lost vie Bin Normanoie. Reward, ox-0744 DOG, MALE POINTER. Gray Sc liver color.

Liver predominating about the head. Very short tall, lli years old. Vicinity 3rd to Lafayette Park Place. Phone GR- sna. Mewaro.

DOO, female Boston bull terrier. Sn Fran- vislu ijwt nr. ot 11. OS vvcaictu Ill I 1 r-i nr DOG. co*cker Spaniel, red.

male. 3 yrs. Ans. Major. Lost Sun.

Rew. WH-1658. DOO male, part Pom. to bl. to tan new, ior iniormanon.

nx-qai'j. nays DOG. Eng. Irish Setter, light red. Ans.

"Bonnie." Rew. HE-7588. DOG. feke. Bed.

to wh. "Jo-Jo." Lib. rew Return or infor. MA-5481. DTX).

male black to white co*cker spaniel, Boy's pet. Reward. SYcamore 39526. DOO. blk.

wh. wire hair fox terr. Male DOG, Dachshund, male, black tan. Ails. rnomas.

new, enmonson, DOG. Dachshund, male; blk. to tan. $50 rgy, r'H-4ai, ce-z-8543. DOa Sight brown male Irish terrier.

Lost Sat. Reward. 507 S. Norton. DOG.

wliehair. wh lite brown ears, gray spot on obck. nappy." Hew. vrt-aB7, Hat box. red Union Station.

Pka. lot 10 reward. Phone West L.A. 33786. PEKE.

small red. San Gabriel to Las lunas nisi, new, Atlantic 27860. PHYSICIAN'S medical bag and contents S35 reward for Its return. FE-4167. RING.

Diamond to pearl. Schaber's Cafe wasn room. Reward. J. Martin.

TR-0171. SCHIPPERKE. small black tailless dog vTtvtj. weal xj.iv ooujj. TOOL box lost on Crescent Heights sunset, UK-aiaa.

Addison, call Monday TRAVELERS checks. $80. Lost Hollywood, Mon. Rew Wlllsnn. Dm S'M WRIST watch, plat.

Numerous round to oaguetce aias. Black cord strap, lost July 12. LIB. REW. Toplls A Harding, tup a.

Mroaaway. mu-zjbi. WRIST watch, lady's Meyland mvt. plat. dias.

No. 165-103. lost July 13. LIB REW. lopns naming, bid a.

aavy. WRISTWATCH. Lady's Elgin. Wh. Gray cord band.

Hollywood Bowl, new. WRIST watch, man's Hamilton, lost Tues- oay. rtewarq. cnarieston 6-1893. WRIST watch, ladles gold Hamilton, Frt, eve.

No markings. Rew. GR-9141 WRISTWATCH, lady's. Hamilton. 10 dias.

Lost Florentine Gardens. Rew. GL-3336 WRIST watch, lady's Gruen. white told. 6 oiam.

inn. j.e,,u. new. r'A-Htiio WRISTWATCH, man's Longine wh. gold, rawnifle strap.

Reward. WA-6128 LOST In Hollywd. Circular breast pin. diamond set. Rew.

WH-5828 or WY-0903. WOUNDED veteran silver service button $5 reward for return. Box F-242. Times PERSONALS 10 BARKER HOTEL Live In 200-room AMERICAN PLAN HOTEL. Lovely resort atmosphere, recreation ground.

Rates as low as S9 week. Including unsurpassed southern rooking. ZW -VUKAMAK ST. rt-4111. RACE FANS.

Amazing, new ODDS-O-METER shows exact bet to make for any desired profit. Special Oder. 25c if accompanied with names and addresses of three race fans. RACE PLAYERS GUIDE, oqe ounsei. rioiiywooa.

CASH FOR DIAMONDS GOLD JEWELRY SILVER, ETC. Tj.A. Jewelrv Cn 710 T.nfar'jG Rrnre RM Why not invest In an essential business paying l' per mo. dividends. Estab Calif.

Corporation, Taylor Enterprises, A-B7B1 SAVE OLD WOOLENS. We make beautiful chenille rugs. Reversible patterns. 1122 I WANT 12 willing disciples. No quitters! For suffering work.

Sac. with giory to power 1 nenson, Hotel Bosaiyn. DIFFERENT. Lex's co*cktail Lounge. 9th to Hope.

Dance fun. Rcas. prices. SEE KELLAM. 212 SPRING ARCADE

Anv no ASSOC. Confidential. Author hm insnired concept of Gospel. VE-3890; HI-0684. bave 40 to wff on brand new tires, TIRE SUPPLY 122 W.

Washington PSYCHO astro analytical reading of cards. expert aavice. uay. FU-1B27. Eve.

ve-5441 ELKELE INC. "The Blind Man." Vene tian blinds repaired to recond. TR-B545, GET ACQUAINTED! Ref. club. 6c stamp Info.

Peggr Long. 424 8. Bdwjr Rm. 706. MME.

PARDIE Solves Your Problems. fsycnic. consultation dally. HO-5-51 70 TIRES like new, S3 each; 16, 17 to 20- in. oil used tires $1.

61'2 Allso st CALIFORNIA Tree Service. Planting to wrecking, est. Free. Reas. OL-757B PSYCHIC COMPLETE CARD READING.


Elective. inexpensive. Mimeographing. HE-5020 PHONE service 24 $3 mo. Mail $1.

Merritt mag, gate Deposit, tk-ooii MAIL 50c; phone $1: desks $4 to $7. This location 17 yrs, 815 S. Hill, Room 303 $150 MAY bring financial Independence in investigate, box c-iai, nines, MATTRESS renovated to recovered. Call Better itest Mattress Co. mu-bsih.

Heirs. cash for legacies to trusts. 854 S. Dunsmulr. Room 104.

YO-3715. MEN Save 40' on all wool tailor-made suits. w. 9th St LOS ANGELES AUTO DRIVING 130 Vermont Ave, ri-7041, OUR pool Plan pays bills without borrowing. 542 B.

Brdway. Rm, 1001. MU-2700. PSYCHIC circle Thuis. 8 P.m.

Read-Ings 7 ns. Rev. Shirley. 1221 3, Vermont ASTHijCOGY MRS MAY Lt'CE Deplete future. Expert advice.

HO-1401. NEW FRIENDS CLUB. Pels. Intro. Out- Inis.

Write 4H5 S. Ardmo-e. LONELY? JOIN SELECT CLUB. Write Pule rarrant 8411 Hollywood Biva. PAY aT! youT 3ebU without borrowing.

A. Bureau of Commerce. PR-4171 TOP CASH for diamonds, old gold. etc. NATIONAL.

410 Lorw gUtf Plrtt. SI CLASSIFICATION NUMBER Income Property for Sale 155 Land. PubU Selections. .213 Legal Notices 87 Leases Apartment. Hotel Livestock .391 Lost Potmd 5-8 Lots for Sale 160 Lumber ft Building Materials 374 Machinery Pipe 376-377 Medical 50 Miscellaneous for Sale 360-361 Meetings 86 Money to Loan, Personal 140-143 Money to Loan.

Real Estate 1.0 Money to Loan. Salaries 144 Money Wanted 152 Mortgages. Trust Deeds 151 Mountain. Lake. Resort Property .212 Moving.

Shipping. Storage 29 Musical Instruments 352-354 Nurses 104 Office Furniture A Equipment 330-332 Oil it Mining 137 Pasadena, Property 194 Personals 10 Pets Supplies 392-395 Physicians. Surgeons 50 Poultry Supplies 390 Poultry Ranches for Sal 205 Professional Services 30-40 Radios ic Services 355-357 Ranches. Farms, etc 206 Real Estate Exchanges 220-227 Real Estate for Sale 155-214 Real Estate Wanted 230-231 Rooming House Leases 132 Rooms for Rent 252-253 Sanitariums, Hospitals 61-62 San Marino Property 194 Schools os Instruction 75-79 Sewing Machines 341 Situations Wanted Stores, Offices for Rent 281 Store. Restaurant.

Market Equipment 335-337 Suburban. Close-in Real Estate for Sale 203 Suburban. Country. Miscellaneous for Rent 279-2R0 Swaps 380 Theatrical 85 Tractors. Agricultural Equipment 378 Trailer Coaches.

Camp Coaches 411 Travel-Transportation 25 Trucks 408-410-412 Wanted to Rent .....250 Wants of All Kinds 379 Washing Machines 345 Westwood Property for Sale. Than Any Newspaper In the World. PERSONALS 10 Tire Clearing House's TIRES 2 FOR $5.95 Our Factory Blemished ANY SIZE 1240 S. BROADWAY OPEN DAILY 7 TO 7 9 TO g. CASH FOR DIAMONDS Old told, silver.

Jewelry and antiques. SECURITY JEWELRY CO. Suite 704 Walter P. Story Bldi. 610 S.

BROADWAY Bring this ad for most cash. PSYCHIC SPIRITUAL Messages. Readings dally to Sun. 11 to g. jjon.

st. cir. fri. 8 p.m. uon.

5oe, Rev. Wm. Gladstone. 3846 Wilshire Blvd RAMnPA nittaA Cnirit. Pcvhif, T.ello what you call to find out without asking a eingle question.

Good or bad. Call names. give dates. 1119 6 St. WAN ttD 25 more honest men or women who owe $150 to $5000 in past due bills.

No security rea. Mr. Miller, 206 Hartn 3rd to Western. FA-2388 WORTHWHILE" Introductions L.A. suburban lonely ladies to gentlemen Send stamp for sealed bulletin tall ages.) Club ELITE A.

1307 SO. MAKVAKU, MEN AND WOMEN Try our 20c haircut by advanced stu dents. AMERICAN BARBER COLLEGE. 516 SOUTH MAIN ST. PSYCHIC MARVEL SECOND TO NONE Reads your life.

Rev. Blanche Hansen. iew canton Hotel, a-'a a. rigueroa. SPIRITUAL PSYCHIC solves business, domestic personal problems, love.

10 to B. HKLXABLE. 18 yrs, 1924 W. 6 St NATURAL born veil mediums, Eng. to Span.

Names, dates. Call AN-19317 for Inlor. regard Clrc. to appt. 571 s.

Rowan GENTLEMEN CALL "BABBETTE" FE-8592. L. UNSURPASSED ESCORT SERVICE. MEN. call "DOLORES'" Escort Service ror that charming lany escort.

"THE BEST IN THE WEST." FA-1168. INVESTORS. Returns of better on your money. Invest. $500.

Box D-241, 'i imes. DENTAL plates $10 to $45. Work done by oratory. 3226 Pico Blvd. OIL acreage adjoining olf-set 2 producing high gravity wells.

Drilling to start immca. Kens. Ventura io, POST to PADDOCK, Issue "53" 25e on all newstands. Call at our office to get free book. 601 Paramount Bldg.

FURS. Slightly used, Movieland Fur Studio, 215 W. 5. Entire 2nd Fir. VANS TO ALL U.S.

POINTS LYON VAN LINES. RE-3198. TIRES Nationally known brands at sensa-tional savings. WAREHOUSE. 725 Aliso SPIRITUAL Clinic, Guidance.

Miracles Weddings. Funerals. 514 8. Fie. MA-4753 ESCORTS, ladies to gentlemen.

HO-6758. cam, leading bureau tor yrs. REV. Smith, Mr. Col.

all Races. oany. sun, p.m. ipuu g. Vermont MEN.

CALL SUSIE'S ESCORT SERVICE FOR THAT EVENING. OK-8227. WOULD you like hostess or apt. manage- ment? see Miss peppin. 7'J3 a.

rigueroa ANYONE owe you money? See Nick Harris coll rs. 6tn as rungsiey, rA-ZJSJ BOOKS WANTED Buyer calls. PICKWICK Book Shop. HE-S668. WOULD you like hostess or apt.

manage ment? See Miss Peppin, 729 S. Flgueroa CASH paid for Diamonds. A. Kirsh. 315 W.

5, 6'22 Metropolitan Blag, tu-vjiv. BRAND new 2 for $5.95. Standard make tires Slightly oiemisnea. a. maiq DEBT RELIEF NEW WAY WITHOUT bor row $1.00.

Any Door or Windshield Glass. Frenrhle's Auto Glass. 615 W. 11 St. HAIR grown, dandruff COSS 1225 W.

8. MU-O IBB MIRACLE WOMAN. Heals by spoken MTHi 527 E. Hazel, inglewood. uk-7-4hs4.

LEARN to drive. License secured. Safe W44 nrlvinir Krhool 1 Ifit Pig. PR-8348. PERSONAL introd.

for 'discriminating. UtTsS itusseu. rc-u-oo. pai o. wF.Miinjmmu PRLNCESS ZOR AID A Egyptian psychic 1 Qaorflnff CI flnOQ finnot OV.Q7.SA BUY REPO.

TIRES. 8.00x16. $4.50. Lift time guarantee! 8fi80 wusnire. THE JOLLY HUT the modern umbreUT 2153 w.

WAainiyu AMBASSADOR CLUB. Private introduc Hons. FI-4610. 681 SHATTO PLACE STERLING silver 5-pc. Chantilly tea set Like new.

Stic. 803 "i w. tn pi PROVEN LIQUID PLANT FOOD ONLY 25c THE MAY uu. fLUWtn anur, RUGS cleaned, sized. $1.50.

2-PC o'stult, S. WE CAUL, Lltlj. ins. CA-ICT, CIRCLES Thursday. 2 ques 25c don.

233 S. Broadway. Rm. 329. DANCING, INSTRUCTIONS 15 TWO young ladies teach privately.

Trot. swing. Beginners a specially. ri-j3z. BEAUTY SUGGESTIONS 18 HOT OIL EGO SHAMPOO.

50c 602 Brack-Shops. 527 W. 7th. TU-1640. ETHELE FRANCIS.

Face rejuvenator. 4444 Wilshire Blvd. YO-9176. PLASTIC AND FACIAL SURGERY PLASTIC AND FACIAL SURGEON T. Floyd Brown, M.D..

HIT Haas Bldg. SUPERFLUOUS BEAUTY SCHOOLS 19 THE BEST training in beauty culture, THE WORLD'S LEADER. MARINKTLLO SCHOOL. 640 S. Broadway EN HULL now, special offer.

PARAMOUNT tULLLUis, 739 TRAVEL, TRANSPORTATION 25 8US LINE TRAVEL PIrWmeaXs Round Trip N. Y. S66.90 El Paso: one way $9.75: rd. tp. $17.55.

St. Louis. $29 25; Chicago. $3150. TRAVEL AIRLINE ROUTE.

Shortest and fastest to SAN FRANCISCO. 629 S. Mia St. TR-0951 6409 HOT LYWOOD BLVD. HI-7501.

119 E. FIFTH ST MU-4719. AO-American Bus Lines SANTA FE TRAILWAYS Burlington. Local Ac Transcontinental Buses. Low fares Free pillows.

TR-3403 NEW TERMINAL 6TH to MAIN. Union Pacific Stages ALL AIR-CONDITIONED DEPOT 451 SO. MAIN ST. MI-114S. City office 800 S.


SEATTLE $14 50 Limited scnfnuie. einve time money. DEPOT. 218 E. TTli ST.

TT7-3344. Mystery Shooting Victim Near Death Assailant in Burbank Row Hunted by Police Robert Silvas, 23, of 452 W. Front Burbank, was near death in General Hospital with three bullet wounds in his chest yesterday while police searched for his assailant. Silvas was shot Saturday night with an old .32 caliber revolver, the suspect throwing the gun at his victim before fleeing into the darkness. Miss Benita Ballesteros of 314 W.

Front Burbank, told the investigating officers that while Silvas was visiting her a man called him to move his car from the alley. Neighbors reported that they heard a loud argument a few minutes before three shots were fired. Show for Zoopark Animals Planned Film and Radio Stars to Assist Fund Twelve months' food and main tenance for the hundreds of ani mals at Zoopark is the goal of the second annual Screen and Ra dio Star's Show at the park Aug, 6, it was announced yesterday by Lawrence L. Larrabee, president of the California Zoological bociety. Originally scheduled for yes terday, the show was postponed because of conflict with other entertainment, Larrabee explained.

An all-day three-ring circus, with Jane Withers and Leo Car-rillo acting as hosts, is planned for the show. Mountain Search for Lost Boy Fails MELLINOCKET (Me.) July 23. (JP) A footsore army of 250 National Guardsmen, woodsmen. mountain climbers and volun teers combed mile-high Mt Ka tahdin today without uncovering a trace of 12-year-old Donn Fend' ler, missing since Monday. Hope that the Rye (N.Y.) Boy Scout would be found alive faded.

Word went out to watch the flight of sea gulls in the belief that if he had died they might lead to his body. President Pardons Two Georgia Convicts WASHINGTON, July 23. UP)- President Roosevelt, has exer cised his rarely used pardoning power to free two men convicted of a Crawford (Ga.) bank robbery which another later confessed. A Justice Department official said the pardons were given Frank Cartee and Martin Prison-ment, convicted by an Atlanta jury in 1037 of the daylight holdup. Ham-and-Egg Foes Name Webb Leader.

SAN FRANCISCO, July 23. (U.R) U. S. Webb, former Califor-nia Attorney General, today took leadership of the California Citizens' Committee against the ham-and-eggs pension measure. Webb said the $30 every-Thurs-day plan that will be voted on in a special election Nov.

7 is "the most unworkable plan ever submitted to the voters of the Stat" Park Work Approved A National Youth Administration work project for Lincoln Park, requiring. a park department appropriation of $1800 for materials, has been approved by the Park Commission. Improvements will consist of landscape work, grading and paving walks and driveways, salvaging the old water system and a new one, and construction of a rock walL Mini 'I I 1 1.

The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.