The Gazette from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2024)

a a a a a a a a a Stocks Slow, Decline NEW YORK (AP) On the American Stock. Expersistently slid lower in change, Punta Gorda to rose Friday's slow trading. Advances, led after reporting a sharply declines on the New York Stock Exchange by higher nine-month net income. more than 2 to 1. Fab Industries dropped to, the news background, an after the company anIn administration spokesman nounced a lower 13-month net warned that temporary Thursday.

upsurge of prices possible American Stock Exchange in the first weeks and months prices included Champion Home after the end of the 90-day wage- Builders, off at 42; AMREP, off at Deltona, off price freeze Nov. 13. at 333; Presley Development, Analysts said investors lacked off 1 at and Mouldings, up confidence because of concern at about the economy and Phase 2 economic policies and because of the market's inability to respond to favorable news. Ups and Downs NEW YORK (AP)- The following list shows the stocks that have gone up the most and, down the most based on percent change on the New York Stock Exchange regardless of volume. Net and percentage changes are the difference between yesterday's closing price and today's last price.

uRs Name Last Net Pct. Nthgate Ex Purex pt 3 Potlatch 6.3 Elgin Nat 5.9 5 Bates Mfg Up 4.8 DOWNS Name Last Net Pet. Int Indust Off 15.7 Int Indst pf Off Leasco Corp Off 9,0 Rdg Bates Off 7.7 Leasco. pf Off 7.0 NEW YORK (AP) Dow Jones 2 p.m. stock averages 30 Industrials 873.83 Transportation 237.54 Utilities 115.89 0.07 65 Stocks 303.81 NEW YORK CAP) New York Stock Exchange selected late prices: Sales Net (hds.) High Low Last Chg.

A AbbiLb 1.10 ACF Ind 2.40 Ad Millis .20 Address Admiral AetnaLfe 1.60 Air Prod Aircolnc, .60 Akzona 1a Alcan Alum: Alleg 13 AllegLud 1.40 23 AllegPw 1.36 23 Allied Ch 1.20 1.40 Allisch 209 Alcoa B0 AMBAC .50 AmHess Am Airl A Brnds 2,20 AmBocst 1.20 Am ACry Can Sug 2.20 1.40 ONE A Cyan 1.25 AmEIPw 1.70 28 A MICIN 1.40 A Am Home Hosp 1.70 .26 Am Motors ANatGas 2.20 A Smelt 1.90 Am Stand .40 Am 2.60 1391 Inc AMP inc Ampex Corp Anacond Anch Hock 1 Ancorp 48b 15 Apeco Cp. .16 Arch Dan 1 39 Armco Stl: 1 Armst Ck. Ashid Oil 1.20 Assd DG Af Richfid 2 68 Atlas Corp Avco Corp Avon Avnet Pd 1.30 256 1 BabckW .50 Balt GE 1.82 BeatFds 1.16 Beckman .50 BeechAr Bell How .60 Bendix 1.60 BenefiCp 1.60 Benguet Beth 1.20 Block HR Boeing Co BoisCas Borden 1.20 BorgWar 1.25 Brist My 1.20 Brit Pet Brunswk. Bucy Er 1.20 Budd Co BulovaW .60 Bunk Ramo Burl Ind 1.40 Burl No 1.129 105 Burrghs .60 81. Cadence Ind Cal CampRLk Finani 10 Camp Sp 1.10 12 Caro CastleCke.

65 1.40 129 CelaneseCp Cenco Ins CentSWst Cerro Cert-teed Cp CessnaAir CFL StI Ches Ohio ChiMil SPP ChiPneuT 2 raft Chrysir. CIT Fini 2 CitiesSve 2.20 100 Clark Eq 1,40 2.24 CocaCol 1.58 Colg Pall Rad Colointst 1.60 CBS 1.40b Colu Gas 1.76 CmbEn. 1.40 Com ISolv.40 ComwE 2.200 Comsat .50 Con Con Fds 1.20 ConNatG 1.88 Cons Power 2 Cont Air Lin Cont Can 1.60 Conti Corp 26 Cont Oil 1.50 Cont Tel .80 Control Data 1.40 CorGIw 2.50a Cowles Com Cox Bdcst CPC Intl CrownCE ork 1.20 CurtissWrt Dan River Dart Ind DaycoCp DaytnPL 1.66 Deere Co Del Mnte 1.10 Delta Air Denny Rst DetEdis 1.40 Diam Sham Dillon Co .80 Disney .20 Diversind DrPepper DomeMns DowChm 1.80 Dressind 1.40 Duke Pw 1.40 duPont 3.75g DuG Lt 1.66 Dynam Am East Air Lin EasKodak la Eaton 1.40 Echlin Mf .60 ,10 Eltra 1.20 Emer EI 1.16 Essexint 1.20 Ethyl Cp .84 Evans P.60 Fairch Cam Fair Ind Fansteel Inc Fedders 50 FedDeptStr Filtrol 1.40 Firestne 1.60 FstChrt 1.44f Flintkote: Fla Pow 1.68 FlaPwLt 2.12 FMC .85 Food Fair .90 Ford 2.60 ForMcKs .80 FreepMin .80 Fruehf 1.70 GAC Co GAF Corp -am Sko 1.30 Gannett Gen Dynam GenElec 1,40 GenFood GenMills GenMot 2.55g PubUt 1.60 Price Rise For Grain CHICAGO (AP) Grain and soybeans advanced in brisk activity Friday, Responding to a U. textile agreement and the promise of a better export picture, futures bounded upward. At the close, wheat was more than a cent higher, December 1.56%; corn up 1 to 2, December 1.16; oats fractionally higher, December soybeans up 2 to 3, November 3.24¼.

C.R. Markets Prices paid on the Cedar Rapids hog market Friday were steady. Prices paid Thursday for the bulk of country and plant deliv. ered butchers weighing 210 to 230 depending on grade and condition, were $19.75 to $20.25, Packing sows, 300 lbs. down, were $16.75 to $17.25.

over 230 lbs. were 25c less for each additional 10 lbs. to 260 lbs. Butchers over 260 (bs. were 50c less for each additional 10 lbs.

Packers are 25c off for each weight grade from 300-360 50c off each weight grade to 500 lbs. and 75c off each weight grade above 500 lbs. The hog market will be closed Monday, Veterans days. CATTLE MARKET Choice and prime prime steers heifers $30.00 32.00- Good steers Good heifers Standard and utility steers. Standard and utility heifers.

$20.00 23.00 Utility cows 17.50 Commercial cows Bulls cows 22.00 Cutter $14.00 19.00 (Overfat steers and heifers are discounted $1.50 per cwt, to. $3.00 (Wasty and gobby, overfat cows and $5 less per 100 Ibs than regular commercial cows). SHEEP 110 lbs. $25.00 choice 90 to prime Choice prime shorn lambs will wool be lambs, discounted $23.00 $1.00 buck hundred lambs per old sheep, $3.00 $5.00. POULTRY Heavy breed hens 5c.

Leghorn and Hyline 4c. Old co*cks 4c. EGGS A large 24C; A mediums. 16c; 15c; checks small 10c. Delivered prices.

GRAIN No. 2 yellow soybeans, $2.98. 38 lb. oats, 65c. No.

2 yellow corn, 97c. Friday's prices, delivered. CHICAGO CASH GRAIN CHICAGO (AP) No. 2 hard red 1.65¼n; No. 2 soft red 1.52¼n.

Corn No. 2 yellow 1.10½n. Oats No. 2 extra heavy white Soybeans No. 1 yellow 3.18n.

Soybean oil 13.55n. Iowa Hogs DES MOINES (UPI) Interior: Iowa-southern Minnesota hog markets: Uneven, mostly steady, demand good. Butchers mostly steady, sows steady. Friday's estimate 000; actual receipts week ago year ago Thursday 89,000. U.S.

1-3 200-230 lb. butchers 19.75-20.50; 230-240 lbs. 19.50- 20.25; 2-4 240-260 lbs. 18.75- 20.00; 2-3 260-280 lbs. 18.00- 19.50.

U.S. 1-3 270-330 lb. sows 16.50-17.50; 330-400 lbs. 16.00- 17.00; 2-3 400-450 lbs. 15.50- 16.25; 450-550 lbs.

14.25-15.75. POSTVILLE ket POSTVILLE The Postville beef marFriday quoted beef prices for prime steers 32.50 to 33.50; choice steers 30.50 standard to good steers 27.00 to 29.00; steers 25.50 to 28.00; choice heifers 30.00 to 31.50; good heifers 25.50 to 27.50: utility co 18.00 to 22.00; canner and cutter cows 18.00 to 21.00; bulls 25.00 to 27.50. WATERLOO HOGS WATERLOO Butchers and sows steady. $17.00. Country prices, butchers $19.75, sows Packing plant delivery, butchers $19.50 to sows' $16.75 to $17.25.

FROZEN PORK BELLIES (From Open High Feb. ..32.00 32.07 March .31.87 31.95 May ...32.12 32.20 July 32.17 Quotations Lamson Bros.) Low Close Prev. Sales 31.52 31.65 32.37 3,213 31.30 31.50 32.17 820 31.55 31.75 32.37 417 31.60 31.72 32.07 769 OMAHA LIVESTOCK OMAHA (UPI)- 190-230 lb. barrows and gils steady up; others steady to 25 lower; 1-3 190-230 20.25-21.00; 230-250 20.25-20.75; some 2-3 uneven weights 200-260 20.00-20.50; 2-4 250-290 sows fully steady, some 25 375-625 lbs. 16.75-17.75.

some Cattle 25 up; 2,000, utility calves none; cows strong, 21.50-23.50; canner and cutter 19.50-21.50. commercial cows SIOUX CITY LIVESTOCK SIOUX CITY (UPI)-Hogs 5,500 Butchers steady to strong and sows steady to 20.25-20.65. S. U. 1-3 195-250 350-450 pound butchers 1-3 pound sows 17.50-18.25.

Cattle 300. Calves none. Market not established. LIVESTOCK FUTURES Futures trading on the Exchange Friday: Close Previous Live beef cattle October .32.55 32.60 December 32.35 32.40 February .32.20 32.30 April 31.72-a 31.70 June 31.42-a 31.42 August .31.20 31.15 Live hogs October 21.45 21.65 December 21.15 21.45 February 22.10 22.30 April 21.42 21.55-b June 23.35 23.42 July 23.35 23.50 August 22.60 22.65 C. L.

Ledford To Succeed Gibson In NAACP Post Carl L. Ledford, 1305 avenue NE, has been named to replace Olen E. Gibson as president of the Cedar Rapids branch of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). The executive board of the organization elected Ledford Wednesday after accepting the resignation of Gibson, who is moving to Des Moines.

Ledford is a native of Evanston, where he attended high school. He also has attended the armed forces extension division of the University of Maryland and Coe college. He is a neighborhood worker for the Hawkeye Area Community Action Program (HACAP) and has been senior youth advisor for the NAACP. Protection Bill Voted WASHINGTON (UPI) The house voted Thursday to create an independent Consumer Protection Agency (CPA), but refused to give it the full arsenal of legal weapons that Ralph Nader and his congressional allies had proposed. Members passed the bill after rejecting, on a 218-160 vote, an amendment that would have given the proposed broad powers to intervene before other federal agencies and obtain information from industry.

Final approval was' on a 344- 44 roll call and the bill now goes to the senate in the form favored by. President Nixon. The senate passed legislation last year along the lines sought by Nader, and was awaiting house action before considering it again this session. Offers Amendment Rep. William Moorhead' (D- Pa.) offered the toughening but defeated amendment to the bill which had been approved by the house government operations committee, chaired by Rep.

Chet Holifield Consumer Advocate Nader promised to keep up the fight for a stronger consumer agency, and said "the results will be different" next year. "Chairman Holifield, the White House and their business lobbies have won today," he said in a statement. "By perpetuating this legislative fraud against the consumers they have insured that there will be no strong Consumer Protection Agency bill passed by congress this Holifield's committee rewrote the original bill to bar the CPA from appearing as a full party in informal hearings and investigations by other a federal agencies in which the "primary" purpose was to levy a fine or penalty on an offending firm. Nader Disappointed idea Nader, of an who independent conceived consum- the er agency three years ago, claimed this would keep the CPA out of about 90 percent of the consumer cases before the government. Claiming the committee had gutted the bill, Nader said it wasn't worth passing.

Moorhead's amendment was designed to restore the agency to its original proposed strength. For one thing, it would have permitted the CPA to acquire, through other agencies, industry data in connection with reports to congress on the allied failure of other agencies to fulfill their consumer protection responsibilities. Critics claimed that this would allow the CPA to go on "fishing" expeditions and make it a "super- -agency" that could run roughshod over other federal bureaus. Accident at Quarry Claims lowan's Life OXFORD JUNCTION Lawrence Kuehl, 58, of Oxford Junetion was killed Thursday afternoon in quarry accident on the Robert Mizaur farm one mile north of here. was thrown from an industrial steel-track end loader he was driving and the vehicle ran over him, authorities said.

Services will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Hayden funeral home here, where friends may call after 1 p.m. Saturday. Bin Inspector Injured in Fall LAMONT--Walter Entelmeier of Clear Lake, a federal inspector of grain bins, was injured The Cedar Rapids Gazette: Oct. 15, 1971 27 Of Iowa Interest LATE QUOTATIONS (From Piper, Jaffray Hopwood) Am.

Ins. Fund 15.82-17.29 Am. Rein. 871- 88 Banks of lowa Beatrice Foods to Cherry Conrac Consolidated Foods Excel Inv. FMC Gen.

United Group Guardsman to, Harnischfgr Interstate P. 181 lowa Electric Towa-Ill. Gas Keuffel Esser Life invest. of lowa comm. Mapco pid.

Maytag Mid-America 5.69-6.22 Nissen 101- Ozark Quaker Oats Rath Syntex United Fire Casualty VWR-United 15 Wilson and Co. Wilson Certified Foods Winnebago ReynMet .60 RoanST 1.44g Rohr Cp .80 Roy Roy Dut 2.09 Ryder Sv .50 Safeway 1,30 StJoeM 1.50 StL: Sa 2.40 StRegisP 1.60 Sanders Asso Sa Feind 1.60 SanFeint ScherPla SCM Corp SCOA Ind .60 Scott Paper $bCL In. 2.20 Searl GD 1.30 SearsRo 1.40 Shell Oil 2.40 Shell Tr Sherw Wm Signal Co SingerCo 2.40 Smith KF 2 23 Sony Corp SCar EG 1.33 SoucalE 1.50 South Co 1.26 208 SouNGas 1.40 Southn Pac 2 SouthrnRy 3a SperrR: .559 SquareD Squibb 1.50 Strands 1.60 stoiCal 2.80 268 2.30 69 STOIINJ 2.75g 543 2.70 39 Stauf Ch 1.80 Ster Drug .80 StevensJ 1.50 StudWor 1.20 sunoil 16 Swift Survy Co Fd .70 50 Systron Donn 69: Tampa El .80 18 Tektronix Teledyne 169 Telex Cp 175 Tenneco 1.32 186 Texaco 1.60 502 TexETer 1.52 Tex Sul .60 480 Texasinst .80 TexPLd .50 Textron .90 Thiokol .40 140 Thrift Dr 1.70 TimesMir 1.50 401 Timken 1.80 158 Todd Ship .80 Trans Air 258 Transmra .55 191 TriCont 1.77g TRW Inc la Twent Cent UAL Inc 1192 UMC .72 28 Un Carbide 1.28 98 1,60 94 Un Pac Cp 2. 121 Uniroyal .70 20 Unit Air 1:80 .30 UnitCp Unit MM 1.30 US Gypsm US Indust 359 US PlyCh .84 178 Us Smelt Steel 1.60 116 Univ Oil .200 66 UnivCptr 231 Upjohn 1.60 61 Varian Assoc VendoCo 1.12 222 5 VaEIPw WachCp WarLam 1.30 WashWP 1.36 WstnAir 2.19f Wn Banc 1.30 638 WnUnion 1.40 Westg EI 1.80 210 Weyerhs .80 1.60 221 17 White Motor 89 Whittaker 122 Williams Co 99 WinnDx 1.74 18 Woolwth 1.20 141 Xerox Cp .80 444 Zale Corp 1.40 38 Copyrighted by The 38 61 30 66 25 41 25 80 43 44 35 12 46 28 8 31 71 V.W 15 75 33 32 51 96 47 X-Y-Z 111 -2 Associated Press 1971 Unless otherwise noted, rates of dividends in the foregoing table are annual disbursem*nts based on the last quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Special or extra dividends or payments not designated as regular are identified in the following footnotes.

a -Also extra or extras, Annual rate plus stock dividend. c. Liquidating dividend. d-Declared or paid in 1971 plus stock dividend, e- -Paid last year. -Paid in stock during 1971, estimated cash value on ex-dividend or ex date.

-Declared or paid sO far this h- -Declared or paid after stock dividend or split up. k- Declared or paid this year, an accumulative issue with dividends In arrears. -New issue. p. Paid this year, dividend omitted, deferred orno action taken at last dividend ing.

stock dividend. Declared t- or Paid paid in in stock 1970 during plus 1970 estimated cash value on ex-dividend or ex distribution date. cid- Called. Ex dividend. -Ex dividend and sales in full.

x-dis Ex distribution. xr-Ex rights. xw-Without warrants. ww With warrants. delivery: tributed.

wi--When issued. nd Next day vi--in bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under the Act, or securities assumed by such comI panies. fn Foreign Issue subiect to interest equalization tax. PRODUCE SEE. PRODUCE CHICAGO PRODUCE CHICAGO (UPI)- POTATOES: shipments 156; arrivals 27; track 51: supplies light; demand moderate; market steady, Track sales: Minnesota round reds 2.25.

BUTTER: Prices paid delivered to Chicago 93 score 67.78; 92 score 67.78; 90 score 66.50. EGGS: Prices paid delivered to Chicago steady: cents per dozen (80 percent A or better): Extra large white 34-35; large white 31-33; mediums 23-25. Prices to retailers (grade in cartons delivered): Extra large 37.25-40.50; large 35.75-38.50; mediums 31.00-33.50. NEW YORK PRODUCE NEW YORK (AP) (USDA) sale egg offerings ample on large; adequate on mediums. Demand fair Thursday.

Standards 26-28. Whites: large Fancy medium 25-28. Fancy smalls 16-18. Butter offerings ample. Demand spotty.

Prices unchanged. DRESSED MEATS DES MOINES (AP) (USDA) Thursday's Midwest carlot meat trade for Iowa and river market areas: Beef slow, steer and heifer beef steady; choice 500-800 lb. steers 50.50- 51.00; 700-900 lb. 50.00-50.50; choice 500- 700 lb. heifer beef 49.50.

Pork loins 14-17 lb. 29.00-49.75; picnics 4-6 lb. 30.50; skinned hams 14-27 lb. 41.50, 17-20 lb. 40.75; bellies 16-18 15.

24.00. Good, us able merchandise, priced right, sells fast with a low cost want ad. QUOTATIONS Lamson Brothers LOW CLOSE PREV. CL. 1.55 1.56% 1.54 1.521 1.53¼ 1.52 1.48% 1.49½ 1.48¼ 1.38% 1.39% 1.38¾ 1.14½ 1.16 1.14% 1.19% 1.21 1.19¼ 1.22% 1.241 1.22½ 1.24% 1.26 1.24% .70 .70 .671 3.23½ 3.24¼ 3.22% 3.26 3.27¼ 3.25 3.29¼ 3.30% 3.28¼ 3.32% 3.34% 3.31½ 3.33 3.35% 3.31% about 9:40 Thursday a.m.

he fell 30 feet from a grain bin at Masonville, landing on a cement slab. Entelmeler suffered bruises, a broken leg and possible other injuries. He was taken to the Manchester hospital and then transferred to St. Luke's hospital in Cedar Rapids. The grain bins he was inspecting are leased by the Lamont Elevator Co.

Increase in Earnings Listed By Banks of lowa Increased earnings were reported for Banks of Iowa for the first nine months of 1971. Consolidated net operating income for the first three quarters of 1971 increased 32 percent over the corresponding period of 1970. Net income for the nine months ended Sept. 30 reached $1,451,654, compared with $1,095,024 for the same period a year ago. Earnings per share totaled $1.68 on the basis of 865,000 (shares outstanding for the nine months.

In the same, 1970 period, $1.30 was earned per share on the basis of 843,333 average outstanding shares. Consolidated assets of Banks, of Iowa increased to $203,483,257 Sept. 30, compared with $184,549,980 Sept. 30, 1970, an increase of 10.3 percent. Total capital accounts reached $22,409,397 or $25.91 per share at the end of the first 1 nine months of 1971.

At the same time a year ago, capital accounts totaled $21,154,164 or $24.46 per share. Banks of Iowa is a registered bank holding company based in Cedar Rapids which owns 100 percent of the outstanding stock of the Merchants National bank, Cedar Rapids. Proposed affililates include the Union Bank and Trust Ottumwa; Valley Bank and Trust Des Moines, and the Council Bluffs Savings bank, Council Bluffs. Sept. 30, those banks had assets of $57,740,421, $55,980,860, and $60,688,912 respectively.

Dock Holdouts Resuming Work SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Holdout longshoremen- in Los geles-Long Beach and Oakland were returning to work Friday. They had continued to stay off the job as longshoremen in 22 other West Coast ports heeded back-to-work orders last Saturday after 100 days on the sidelines. But the local dispute was settled in Oakland Thursday, and the first crews were reported on the Los Angeles-Long Beach piers Thursday evening. Non-Cotton Textile Surcharge Is Lifted WASHINGTON (AP) The White House announced Friday that the U.S. is lifting the 10 percent surcharge on non cotton textile imports.

It said agreement has been reached with Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong to restrain the flow of textiles sent here. Presidential Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler announced that U.S. Ambassador David Kennedy signed a memorandum of understanding with Japan Friday and would sign a similar agreement with South Korea in Seoul Saturday. The agreement with Taiwan had already been concluded and the Hong Kong delegation was signing its agreement here later Friday.

The four Asian producers are the major providers of textiles in the U.S. "The settlement will remove an issue that has contributed in very large measure misunderstanding between our two countries," Kennedy said of the Tokyo pact. New Briefcase Telephone DISTRIBUTOR OPPORTUNITY The Tel-Com 150A is the worla's first and only portable mobile radio-telephone with direct dialing capability. Allows you to make or receive calls to or from any telephone. Fully compatible with telephone company systems for PATS (manual via operator) or IMTS (dial-direct) service.

For this special opportunity, distributors will need marketins capability, financial strength, and 'minimum beginning inventory. Manufacturer has complete marketing program with all statistics and marketing aids. To schedule interview: CALL COLLECT (214) 271-2661 JIM RYAN, V.P., Marketing Tel-Com Industries, Inc. 2701 National Drive Garland, Texas 75040 City Briefs- Head Start Tri-county cy council will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the HACAP conference room, 105 Eighth avenue SE.

B'nai B'rith Art Auction Sunday, Oct. 17th, 7:00 p.m., at Temple Judah. Exhibit opens at 3:00 p.m. Free admission Reports Theft David Uelze, 1631 Park avenue SE, reported a complete stereo unit valued at $1,300 was stolen from his residence Thursday night. Wilson Beauty Salon.

377- Bake Sale-Canned goods and handwork. City Market Saturday October 16, sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary to Hanford Post No. INTERIORS by design, not by accident. Call Jim Kimber or Jay McNamara at MacKenzie Interiors. Hear the Carma Lou Cox show every Sunday on KCRG, radio at 12:10 (noon).

-Adv. Rummage Sale St. Ludmila's, 209 21st Ave. SW. Sat.

8:30 to 11. Special 5c and Church Bazaar Saturday (16th), 9-5; 1206 Bowler Street, Hiawatha; and 1215 Avenue, Marion. Ceramics, decoupage, needlework, Open House Bertram hall, Iowa. 9 to 7, Oct. 17.

Demonstration on Tri Chem Embroidery. See Beautiful Christmas items. Grace Episcopal Church Pig Roast, Saturday 11 to 4, $1.25. For delivery, Household Sale. 144 35th St.

NE. See Classified Television Rentals. Best Rental Centers. -Adv. Walton belt vibrators Best Adv.

Abundant selection! Dazzling colors! Natural preserved decoratives. Pierson's Florists, 1800 Ellis Blvd. NW. -Adv. Hamsters for sale, $1.00.

363- WSCS Chicken Noodle, Chili Supper. $1.25, 5 to 7:30. Sat. Bertram -Adv. Family Portraits by Stremke Photography.

421 1st ave. SE. 363-7822. Adv. Moose members.

Swiss steak, salad bar. 5' to 8 p.m. -Adv. Lucky Stores Report Sales, Earnings Up A two percent increase in earnings on a 14 percent increase in sales during the second quarter of its fiscal year was reported Friday by Lucky Stores, Inc. Sales in the quarter ended Aug.

1 were $411 million, compared with $361.6 million in the same quarter last year. Earnings totaled $5.5 million, up from $5.4 million. The earnings are the equivalent of 41 cents per share, the same as last year after adjustment for a stock dividend. Half-year figures increased in the same ratio. Zero in on a want ad and sell those useful but no longer Cedar Rapids Chess Club There will be a meeting Friday from 8:30 p.m.

to 1 a.m. at the Riverside Roundhouse. For information telephone 366-1283. Sewing machine rentals Best Y's Men need used books for annual sale. For pickup Saturday October 16th.

362-1138. Adv. Gay Dahn says, "If you want documented qualifications and experience, proven leadership ability that is locally and nationally recognized, Vote Ellison for Finance. -Pol. Adv.

GnTelE! 1.52 297 Gen Tire 15 Genescol GaPacif Gerberl .30 Getty0 1.13g Gillette 1.40 Glen Alden Global Marin Goodrich Goodyr .85 Grace Grant 1.50 Grt 1.30 Gt West Fini .90 Grn Giant .96 19 Greyhound GrummnCp Gulf Oil 1.50 27 GIfStUtil 1.04 Gulf Wn .60 GifWnind wt 108 Halliburt 1.05 Harris Int 54 HeciaM Hercules Heublein .85 Hew Pack .20 137 443 ho*rnWal .90 25. 25. Hoff. Electro Holidy inn .25 101 Holly Sug Homestke .40 Honywll 1.30 113 HousehF 1.20 HOUSLP 1.32 Howmet IdahoPw 1.70 Ideal Bas .60 Ill Cent. 1.14 Impri CP.

1.40 Am Inger Rand 2 Inland Stl 2 Intrikinc 1.80 IBM 5.20 inf Harv 1.40 IntMiner int Nickel 1 Int Pap 1.50 int 1,15 Iowa Beef lowaPSv 1.40 Itek Corp 126 Jewel JohnMan Co 1.60 1.20 16 JohnJoh JonLogn .80 JonLaug ,50 Jostens ,70 Joy Mfg 1.40 KaisAlum .50 Kan GE 1.44 KanPL 1.38 Katy Ind ennecott KerrMcG .60 KimbCik 1.20 Koppers 1.60 KresgeSS .50 1.30 LearSieg .20 LehPCem .40 LehVal Ind Lehmn 1.32g 13 Levitz Furn 2 LibbMcNL Ligat My 2.50 Ling Tem Vt 166 Lockheed Air Loews Corp LoneStarin 1.36 1.38 Lucky Str Lukenssti .80 LVO Corp Lykes Yngst Macke Co Macy RH MadFd 1.05g. Magnvox 1.20 Marath 1.60 Marcor .80 110 188 Mar Mid 1.70 Martin 239 1.60 86 Maytag 1.10a 110 119 McGrwH Mead Corp Melv Sho .80 Memore Cp Merck 2.20 MGM Microdot MidSUtil 1.02 113 MinnMM 1.85 1.30 2.60 409 Mohas 1.10 38 Monsant 1.80 161 1.88 Mont Pw 1.68 Mor Nor .80 Motorola .60 MtFuel 1.80 MtStaTT 1.36 Nabisco. 2.20 NatAirin Nat Can .45 NatCashR Nat Distil Nat Fuel 1.68 Nat Gen .20 Nat Gyp 1.05 Nat Indust Nat Steel 2.50 Natomas 723 Newberrv NEngEt 1.56 Newmnt 1.04 Niag MP 1.10 NL Ind 630 Norfolk 28 Norris Ind No Am Phil NoAmRk 1.40 NoNGas 2.60 NoStaPw 1.70 Northrop Nwst Airl .45 137 NwtBanc 1.40 Nort Norton Simon 1.50 220 Occid Pet 547 OhioEdis 1.54 Okla GE 1.24 OklaNGs 1.24 Olin Corp .88 43 Omarkin 18 Otis Elev 2 Outbd Mar Owen Cng .75 113 Owen HI 1.35 97 PacGEl 1.64 Pac Lig 1.60 PacPefri PacPwL 1.44 Pac 1.20 PanAmS PanAm WAir Panh EP 1.80 Penn Cent Penn Dix Pernev PaPwLt. 1.60 115 PennzUn .80 PepsiCo Pfizer 60a 257 Phelps 2.10 1P9 76 Phila El 1.64 PhilMorr 1.20 246 phill Pet 1.30 186 Pitney .68 61 Polaroid .32 PortGEI 1.38 PPG Ind 1.40 ProctGm 1.50 PubSCoi 1.12 Sv EG 1.64 Pueblo In .28 PUgSPLI 1.84 Questor Pullman PalstonP .70 154 Ranco Inc .92 Davtheon .60 RCA 918 Ode Bate .25 Reich. Ch .20 54 1.60 Revion Reyn Ind 2.40 178 37 37 16 308 18 18 33 53 25 35 J.K 88 88 40 40 15 15 17 17 97 8 24 A 23 31 40 30 24 124 124 49 49 25 24 15 40 24 27 27.

16 16 15 80 80 24 28 28 28 47 19 32 21 48 47 32 23 24 24 23 277 385 20 201 23 201 231 17 23 23 23 36 24 29 21 85 24 9234 63 631 55 CHICAGO GRAIN Furnished by WHEAT OPEN HIGH December 1.55 1.57½ March 1.53 1.54% May 1.50% July 1.39 1.40 CORNDecember 1.16% March 1.20 1.211 May 1.24½ July 1.25⅛ 1.26% OATSDecember .70 March May .671 SOYBEANS November 1. 3.25¼ 3.28 January 3.26 3.29¼ March 3.30 3.32% May ...3.33 3.35½ July 3.34 3.36% Collection Missing Daniel Tiedt, Iowa City, reported a coin collection with a face value of $50 was stolen from 122 Third avenue SW during the last week. Linwood cemetery will remove summer decorations 0c- tober 18. -Adv. Ken Quinn elected City Finance Commissioner makes "dollar sense" will bring new financial stability.

In the interest. of keeping our city clean--only 2 yard signs Pol. Adv. Hein, Fireman Injured in 1969 Blast, Is Dead Special to The IOWA CITY--Robert L. Hein, 45, an Iowa City fire department lieutenant who was badly injured in a transformer explosion at Mercy hospital here in April of 1969, died early Friday at the same hospital.

Hein was one of 17 firemen injured in the hospital blast, but he was the only one who never recovered from his injuries. He had been hospitalized and under therapy for extensive head injuries much of the time since his accident. His death was attributed to an illness he had suffered for a short time. Born Nov. 27, 1925, in Iowa City, he was married to Letha Villhauer there on June 1, 1948.

A veteran of World war II, he served with the fire department here from 1949 until the time of his injury. He was also a member of the Knights of Columbus. Surviving are his wife; 10 daughters, Mrs. Jack Walters of Oakdale and Theresa, Rebecca, Mary Ellen, Margaret, Barbara, Jeanette, Shirley, Elizabeth and Beverly, all of Iowa City; six sons, 1 Michael, Mark, Thomas, David, Andy and Larry, all of Iowa City; his parents, and Mrs. Paul Hein of Iowa City; two brothers, Wayne and Kenneth, both of Iowa City; and a sister, Mrs.

Emory Kleinschmidt of Kalona. Services: Monday at 9 a.m. at St. Wenceslaus church in Iowa City. Burial: St.

Joseph's, cemetery. Knights of Columbus wil recite the Rosary Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and the parish Rosary will be recited Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at the Donohue mortuary, where friends may call Saturday after 4 p.m. 62 62 35 35 29 19 19 71 23 23 31 49 76 SE.

38 63 46 37 28 30 20 33 46- 45 20 46 23 23 32 152 24 216 8188 32 28 x191 51 69 45 SENESCE 35 PENICK FORD'S Corn Derivatives Prices F.O.B. Factory, Cedar Rapids, lowa Carload, per cwt. Corn Syrup, tank cars 4.76 Pearl Starch, standard moisture, paper bags 7.20 Powdered Starch, standard moisture, paper bags 7.40 Thin, Boiling Starch, standard moisture, paper bags XD thru XP and XR 8.50 Douglas Grits, paper bags 7.20 Dextrin (White), paper bags 10.63 Crude Corn Oil. tank cars 18.25 SMALL INVESTORS MEDIUM Tommy Tucker Realty Co. Commercial and Investment Div.

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Address You will be mailed a written confirmation as space is limited..

The Gazette from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

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Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.